He had to be released and instead died at the hospital in Frankfurt


UGGIANO THE CHURCH – It is consternation in the community of Uggiano La Chiesa for the death occurred in the last hours at the hospital, in Frankfurt on the Main, from Wladimir Esposito. The young man had only 33 years

consternation not only for the age and for the fact that everything began to fall while he was working on behalf of a construction company in which he was employed – does twenty days off – but also and especially for the course that everything remains to be imagined except that a similar tragedy. Apparently, his resignation was scheduled for today. On the contrary, some complications must have occurred after a surgical procedure to which the young man was subjected to a leg, and suddenly the clinical picture has worsened to the point of reaching death.

Wladimir Esposito had found I had been working in Germany for a few years, but the ties to the homeland were strong. And the news has rebounded in a short time in the Ugandan community, where the parents live, but in turn, the former emigrants have returned to Uggiano. At the moment we do not know exactly what happened and an autopsy should probably be done to clarify things.

In many friends and acquaintances, they left a thought to remember Wladimir, who died prematurely. Among them the Mayor of Uggiano La Chiesa, Salvatore Piconese. Concise and deep at the same time. "Emigration is always an open wound.It is a human and civil sacrifice.And the news today is devastating for all of us.Soul has fallen on the life of our community and the pain and the tears intertwine forever, a big kiss to the young sky of Wladimir, let the earth be light for you ".

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