He has been a great since the time of Henry Ford – Repubblica.it


ROME – Donald Trump chooses Twitter again for his comments. But this time, the President of the United States praises the number one FCA and compares it to one of the pillars of the global auto industry. "Sergio Marchionne, who pbaded away today, was one of the brightest and most successful leaders since legendary times." Henry Ford ". So on Twitter, at night, the head of the US state. He continued: "It was a great honor for me to meet Sergio as President of the United States, he loved the auto industry and he was fighting for it." We will really miss him! "

Trump himself three days ago he phoned John Elkann to express his" pain "because of the sickness of the hospitalized manager in Switzerland.Ford is one of the founders of the automotive world as we The founder of the automobile brand of the same name disappeared in April 1947.

henry ford
John Elkan
donald trump
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