"He has been treated by us for serious illness for more than a year" – Repubblica.it


MILAN – "Sergio Marchionne was a patient at the University Hospital Zurich, who had undergone several treatments for serious illness for more than a year". The Universitätsspital Zurich confirmed today for the first time that the former CEO of FCA was a patient of the structure. The hospital said that during hospitalization "all the opportunities offered by leading medicine were used, but that Mr. Marchionne is sadly deceased, we are extremely disappointed and express our deepest condolences to the family".


Marchionne before the operation said: "I will stay far away soon", then hopes are gone

by our correspondent MAURIZIO CROSETTI

"Patient confidence / towards the The use of the best therapies Zurich University Hospital (usz) "- the statement goes on – attaches great importance to professional secrecy, and this also applies to all patients and patients. The state of health is the subject of the patient or his relatives.

For this reason, up to now, Usz has not taken a position regarding the hospitalization and treatment of Mr. Sergio Marchionne. Currently, the Usz is the subject of several biased media rumors about his care. "The statement was published" to curb the succession of new speculations. "The rumors that the hospital quotes refer to possible errors of attributing to the doctors during the operation to which the manager had been subjected." The operation of the shoulder has was performed on June 28, the first unexpected but manageable complications had arrived immediately, but then the clinical picture became increasingly unstable.intensive care hospitalization whose manager did not leave. [19659006Fcatookastandwithapressrelease"OnFridayJuly20thecompanywasinformedbyDrMarchionne'sfamilywithoutanydetailsoftheseriousdeteriorationofhisconditionconditionsandthatthereforehecouldnotreturntoworkThecompanyquicklytookoverandannouncedthenecessaryinitiativesthenextday"saysaspokesmanfortheFCA"FCA-heexplains-isunabletocommentonthestatementsofthehospitalinZurichForconfidentialityreasonsthecompanyhadnoknowledgeofthefacts"

Done also confirmed by the family only in a statement to ANSA." At the end of last week – we read in the family note – FCA was informed that Sergio Marchionne could no longer return to work without adding further details. "

Sergio Marchionne
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