He is in intensive care. Comrade Manuela and her two sons in Zurich


Intensive Care and Irreversible Conditions for Sergio Marchionne . The sky of Zurich is sealed and it is until the evening. This is the greyness that envelops the entrance of the Universitatsspital the university hospital that stands on one of the hills overlooking the lake of this small town in the middle of Switzerland. The former CEO of the FCA was hospitalized for more than three weeks after a right shoulder operation for which he was to have a brief period of convalescence. Its conditions have suddenly deteriorated in recent days, in order to speed up the transition process in the car group.

ALSO READ Letter from Elkann to employees: "Sergio will not come back, certainly from your support to Manley"

There is nothing official, the family does not not speak, the company does not confirm and even the medical newsletters arrive from the hospital. Access to the media is forbidden, difficult to cross, discreet but firm, security. The privacy is total but the departure does not miss, despite the full summer of Sunday. It must be said that it is difficult to orient within this hospital center. More buildings with different entrances, joined by a labyrinth of corridors and departments of excellence that host several thousand patients each year. A labyrinth in which it is even difficult to obtain information from doctors and nurses.

ALSO READ Marchionne, then the "sweater manager" became a friend of the presidents

Of course, until now, there are only the words of yesterday from John Elkann: "I am deeply saddened by the conditions of Sergio, it is an unthinkable situation until a few hours ago, which leaves everyone feeling unfair". letter that the FCA president wrote to employees is also sad, pointing out that Marchionne's conditions "have unfortunately deteriorated in the last hours and will not allow him to return to the FCA." The last appearance of the top manager dates back to June 26 in Rome for the delivery of a Jeep Wrangler to Arma dei Carabinieri for control services on the beaches of Romagna.

Then confession, then the precipitate of the situation with the voices more and more insistent of a faster change at the top of the group The rest is the story of the last hours, with the companion Manuela Battezzato and the two children who alternate with him. Many messages of closeness to politics, the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, who immediately informed the company, former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who has pbaded more flattering words for Marchionne: "I I am very impressed "Cav said, because of the sudden deterioration of the conditions of this" is certainly the number one Italian managers ". "Hat," had also tweeted former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, while Paolo Gentiloni spoke of the story of Marchionne and Fiat as "an example for all". After the "gratitude" and "respect" highlighted by Matteo Salvini, Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio also said that he was pained and, expressing his "respect" for the family's pain, has regretted not having met would have liked to talk about an electric car.

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