He kills his wife and hangs then: murder-suicide in the region of Caserta


The tragedy is as absurd as it is terrible in San Marcellino, Casertano

According to the first reconstructions provided by the investigators, a man, following a violent quarrel with the wife lost control and, with an unprecedented ferocity, strangled the woman. The protagonists of this blood story are Antonio Topa, 51, and Immacolata Stabile, 48.

After the brutal crime, Antonio Topa, perhaps overcome by remorse, decided to put an end to it and took his life in the same where, a few minutes ago, he had killed ] his wife. To find the bodies were the two children of the couple who, returning home after an evening spent with friends, they made the terrible discovery by immediately giving the alert.

On the site were easily interfered carabinieri from the local station and the Territorial Department of Aversa. Now it will be up to the investigators to discover the motives of a gesture so horrible and incomprehensible. In the community of Caserta, meanwhile, the pain and consternation for the life of a destroyed family remain. For an explosion of violence that led to a murder / suicide which, without a doubt, will remain etched in the minds of the inhabitants of San Marcellino forever.

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