"He loves the death of children"


Roberto Saviano attacks again Matteo Salvini in a very long post on Facebook: " Assbadins! Minister of Mala Vita, on the dead at sea speaks of" lies and insults, but with what courage do I confess rather: how much pleasure does it give you the death inflicted by the Libyan Coast Guard, its (it disgusts me to say ours) strategic ally ? "

" She who continually insists on being a father, "of father" how much excitement is trying to see innocent children dying at sea? Minister of Mala Vita, hatred who sowed the rout . "The image accompanying the post is the one widely used today by the NGO Open Arms which shows a drowned woman and a child. by an alleged intervention of the Libyan Coast Guard.

In this respect, sources of the Interior Ministry have reported that the version provided by the NGO is a false news : " In the coming hours the version of the third-party observers will be published and they deny the news that Libyans would not provide badistance ". But it does not matter that the situation is not yet clear. For Saviano, the dead of today have a principal: Salvini. And the fifth, of course. The writer, in fact, also for them: " Minister of Mala Vita, the hatred that sowed the will overwhelmed How will overwhelm the garbage 5stelle, and among them the unlikely Toninelli, sodal of Minister of the Interior in this lugubrious exaltation of the death of the last of the Earth ".

Then the cleft to the League (obviously a pedestal): " And all of us, that today we are ashamed to live these times for our helplessness, we have the It is our duty to remember the names of those who have legitimized these murderers.We must remember the names of the Moscow-funded wrinkled influencers, of those who, if any, transmit false news and elaborate theories of conspiracy: we know them well We must remember the journalists who preferred to quibble for not taking a stand, for calculation or for lack of courage, and maybe in a moment they will say: "I was not me I do not think so, or remember the names of those who have simply preferred to ignore and hate: it is not enough to be no one or to hide behind a nickname.The story pursues you. The story does not forget . "Good, good reminder, but when S andro Veronesi proposed to go on the NGO boats, the writer responded spades.It is the usual Saviano, in short …

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