He stabbed 14 pregnant women: Messina, suspended an obstetrician


Worsening and continuing badual violence against 14 pregnant women. With this accusation, the Carabinieri of the Compagnia de Santo Stefano di Camastra took a precautionary measure, issued by Patti's investigating magistrate, of a year of suspension from office against an uncensored obstetrician on duty at the Agata di Militello Hospital

This provision stems from a survey conducted by the soldiers of Acquedolci and Santo Stefano di Camastra who, with the support of the working group specialized in the fight against gender violence, have reconstructed many episodes of violence and badual acts "Obstetrician, for months, has done against young women, even minor, taking advantage of the particular vulnerability of victims in the steps before l & # 39; childbirth.

Sexual acts of groping, with bare hands, the intimate areas of the victims, were disguised as medical procedures necessary to implement to monitor or facilitate the prenatal phases. The chosen victims, all very young, almost always at the first birth and unfamiliar with the procedures, although embarrbaded by the strangeness of the behavior, were subjected to this violence preferring not to react, being sure that " after childbirth would be over ". In all episodes found, the obstetrician had required the absence of family members during the visit. The findings, made even more complicated by the discomfort felt by young women, who in many cases were reluctant to report it, highlighted the doctor's behavior.