he was convicted of violence against minors


Rodolfo Fiesoli is free. The founder of the community of minors abused Il Forteto di Vicchio (Florence), at the center of various investigations for mistreatment and badual violence, was released as a result of a decision of Cbadation of July 5, following an appeal by his lawyer, the lawyer Lorenzo Zilletti. Fiesoli had been sentenced to 15 years and 10 months, but the Supreme Court had decided that he was to serve a residual sentence of 14 years, 8 months and 17 days. On December 23, he was accompanied by the Carabinieri to the prison of Sollicciano

Fiesoli, 77, was released because the conviction of the Court of Cbadation of December 22, 2017 which also sentenced him to serve his sentence Remaining should not be considered definitive there are cancellations of certain parts that make Fiesoli always a defendant and not a convict "forever", so he can wait "out of future judgments."

The decision is on July 5 and was taken from the first section on a call made by the defenders, lawyers Oliviero Mazza and Lorenzo Zilletti. Appeal discussed and dismissed in the court of appeal in January, then, almost forgotten by the public, brought before the Supreme Court which, in fact, three days ago, decided. "From the content of the decision, whose motives are not known now – the defenders declare – it is easily debatable that the defense's argument about the impossibility of executing a sentence that does not not the characteristics of certainty and irrevocability has been fully accepted.

It must be remembered, indeed, that the trial of Fiesoli is not yet over because he will have to celebrate a judgment of adjournment following certain cancellations pronounced by the Supreme Court on December 22, 2017 ". Cancellations with a referral regarding a case of badual abuse against a youth (it is to determine whether there was single or group violence) and others for the purpose of Insufficient motivation of the appellate court judge with respect to sentencing all charges other than the basic penalty. The Attorney General notified the revocation of imprisonment in Fiesoli on 6 July.

Now, the gurù, who by the disciples was calling him "prophet", and that for six and a half months (December 23, 2017) was in Sollicciano prison, in Florence -, is located in a secret place. Al Forteto has not returned since 2011, when he was arrested, he was in a house in Pelago (Florence). There are no comments from the prosecutor's office in Florence, while for Vice President Stefano Mugnai (FI), regional councilor of the Tuscan Assembly's investigation commission, "that hurts to know that he was released ". For the honorable Giovanni Donzelli (FdI), also committed to denounce the case when he was in the area, notes that only for the victims of this story is the "fine fine ever" and announces that he will work to establish a parliamentary commission. [19659006]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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