Health: Pediatric Transplants, Inspectors and Nas al Monaldi of Naples


The "007" sent by the new minister Giulia Grillo is being inspected accompanied by the military of Arma, as far as we know, for investigations on the different criticisms encountered in the field of pediatric transplants. The inspection team is accompanied by the head of the hospital, with the extraordinary commissioner Antonio Giordano and the Deputy Commissioner for health duties Maria Vittoria Montemurro, and representatives of the Campania region.

The health facility has long been the focus of protests by parents of small patients. Nine would be the children who died in four years in a structure that was an excellence in Italy and which, according to the parents report, are paying a decline that will culminate in 2017 with the closure of cardiology and pediatric intensive care.

The inspection comes after the tour in the hospitals of Health Minister Grillo.

  Health: Pediatric transplants, inspectors and Nas al Monaldi of Naples

There is also a file presented by the committee of parents of transplanted children, who with the support of Federconsumatori Campania and the Health Committee Campania, it was handed over to the prosecutor in the form of an exhibition. In a dozen pages, the request made to the judicial authority to shed light on the case of the blockade of pediatric transplants at Monaldi hospital is articulated.

In the document, Rosarno Stornaiuolo, President of Federconsumatori, explains that the badociation chairs, with letters dated September 13 and November 30, 2016, he reported to regional and national institutions "the unacceptable number of deaths that since 2014 accompanied the pediatric transplantation activity at the Monaldi Hospital of the specialized hospital "Dei Colli" .A protest that culminated with a call from some of those parents who climbed on the roof of the Neapolitan health center

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