And was it really possible to help immigrants in their home? "Nexus International Solidarity Emilia Romagna" is an NGO, founded in 1993, promoted by the CGIL of Emilia-Romagna, which proposes to the government concrete solutions against the "fight against immigration" of which the NGOs are accused . [19659002Toutd'abordnousdevons"cesserdevendredesarmesàl'Africa(lesdépensesmilitairesdel'Afriqueen2014s'élevaientà502milliardsetl'ItalieestledeuxièmeplusgrobadportateurdumondeaprèslesEtats-Unispuiscesserdedétruirel'agriculturelocaleàtraverslesaccordscommerciauxinjustesetsaisirleursterres(parexemplelephénomènedel'accaparementdesterresl'accaparementdeterresfertilespardegrandessociétésmultinationalesoudesÉtatscommelaChineavecl'expulsiondesagriculteursetdeleursfamillesremplaçantlaproductionalimentairejusqu'alorsdestinéeàlaconsommationlocalepardesproduitsnondestinésàlaconsommationhumaine)
Finally, we must "stop seizing the riches of the subsoil, not only ro, diamonds and oil, but also coltan and cbaditerite, at the base of the global industry of high technology. "
" From our government only the umpteenth attack against NGOs, who will no longer see "even in postcard" l The Italians – adds Nexus – while the humanitarian ships are stuck in the ports and the Mediterranean continues to die, in the indifference of most of the Italian population, in the face of those who have promised that, the ports closing , the living conditions of the Italians affected by "
The NGO defines the strategy of the government as" a tragic illusion "because if" the priority was first humanitarian and that the migrants embarked and were to be saved at sea, even today they are dying ". Especially elsewhere "between the Libyan concentration camps and the desert tracks that lead nowhere".
Thus, adds Nexus, "through projects and programs of work, in Africa, the Middle East and the Mediterranean, we can propose possible and feasible alternatives". According to the organization, indeed, "the real danger does not come from the sea but from the inability to read and act in a global and complex world". Meanwhile, Saturday after tomorrow, other regional badociations like Asahi and the Coordination of Migrants, will take to the streets of Modena for a demonstration against "the racism of the government and the opening of the Repatriation Centers ( CPR) and against violence, poverty and exploitation ". ". The goal will be to "conquer together, migrants and Italians, freedom without fear". (Saf / Dire)
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