Here are the 10 most absurd false news on the web


A disaster for the environment, a damage to health, a waste for society, a danger to traffic: would you believe that there are those who believe that you are talking about d & # 39; an electric car? This is absurd, but the false news continues to grow in numbers and unreliability, parallel (perhaps not at random) to the increase in sales in Europe and news from car manufacturers who have the Intended to ban gasoline or diesel engines. Who is behind? Maybe lobbies or, more simply, professional opponents, take the opportunity not to shut up. Here are the 10 most popular fake news we found on the web, starting with the mother of all the hoaxes:

1) The electric car pollutes more than the diesel

FALSE, any check is made and all type of pollution is considered. In operation, the electric car does not emit CO2 (carbon dioxide responsible for the greenhouse effect), does not emit nitrogen dioxide (toxic gas produced by combustion), does not release fine particles (PM10 and Pm5) and finally, thanks to a powerful brake motor and a simpler mechanics produce semi-fine metal powders compared to an internal combustion engine.

2) With the electric car, you have to stop and recharge each 50 kilometers

FALSE! Since 50 kilometers is the average daily distance of a car in Italy (in this case, a slow domestic charge at night would suffice for the whole day) the actual autonomy of the latest Ev models on the market pbades from 160 to more than 400 kilometers depending on the use, environmental conditions and battery capacity. As a result, typical overnight charges are sufficient to cover travel expenses in 95% of cases. For long distances, one or two stops are necessary, lasting from 2 to 3 hours if recharging is done by fast columns at medium power (22 kW), 20-30-40 minutes if you use Super fast and super-fast columns (from 55 to 150 KW). But on a journey of more than 500 kilometers, which does not stop for lunch or for a coffee?

3) In Italy there are no charging stations

FALSE! Today, more than 1700 public charging stations are installed, 700 more will be installed by the end of the year. 48 others are reserved for Tesla users. Enel X has announced plans to install 14,000 by 2022. Other operators will enter the market or upgrade their existing networks for a total of 20,000 active columns in the next five years. Service stations in Italy are 8000 ….

4) In winter electric cars do not work

FALSE! The batteries lose their efficiency when temperatures drop below freezing, which reduces the autonomy up to 30-40%. But the cold never prevents the electric motor from working, while it creates serious problems with the engine, as all those who go to the mountains know for the clbadic white week. It is therefore much more likely to stay on foot with a gasoline or diesel car. Diesel fuel can even "freeze", as well as the coolant in the radiators, a device that does not exist in electric cars. The counter-test? The country in the world where electric mobility is most prevalent (and the first one that saw Ev recordings exceed those of thermal cars) is Norway, which is not exactly at the equator.

5) The electric car engine creates magnetic fields dangerous to health and can even encrypt pacemakers

FALSE! All electric motors create an electromagnetic field, especially those powered by alternating current, while on electric cars, DC motors are generally used. But the intensity of the electromagnetic field is negligible (and it is easy to protect it). To make a comparison, who has already posed the same problem by doing laundry at the washing machine or while boarding a train, subway or trolley bus? And with regard to the alleged damage caused by cell phones, high-voltage cables or television repeaters, the many rumors have never been substantiated by scientific evidence

6) Thousands of electric cars would be loaded [19659005] inclination of the network

FALSE! On the contrary, the opposite is true: they would stabilize it. "Smart" charging systems of the latest generation are able to modulate the sampling according to the availability of energy in the network, exploiting at best a potential production capacity more and more dependent on private manufacturers. and non-programmable sources such as photovoltaic and wind energy. When the entire network is "smart" and the connections between the network and the accumulators are two-way (Vehicle to Grid, V2G), the batteries of the connected cars will also be able to serve as broadcast energy storage devices. ready to capitulate to cope with the peaks of demand

7) Electric cars ignite, or worse explode

FALSE! Overheating may occur during charging, especially for models that do not have "air-conditioned" batteries. The fire can fire in case of violent shocks, manufacturing defects, prolonged immersion in the water or exposure to more than 150 degrees of temperature (has this happened to you before? ). Fires in electric cars are very rare, so much so that no insurance company in the world is bringing a surcharge on the police. Of the 150,000 road accidents that took place in the United States with the fire in the United States, the percentage of electric cars involved was the same as that of thermal cars, which use lead-acid batteries, the more dangerous and stuffed with dozens of liters of flammable fuel

8) The raw materials used for batteries are rare, extract them is devastating for the environment, dispose of them is impossible

FALSE! Lithium reserves, the main raw material used for modern batteries, are estimated to be sufficient for 150 years. Oil for less than 100. It is more problematic to find cobalt, which will however be replaced by other elements in new generation batteries. The extraction is "dirty" but infinitely less damaging to the environment than the extraction of unconventional oil and gas, that is, from deep seas, oil sands and sands. crushing of underground rocks. In addition, after 8-10 years of life, car batteries should be replaced, but they can very well be used as static accumulators, in homes or in large community storage for another 10-15 years. At the end of their lives, after more than twenty years, they can be eliminated using technologies that develop, in Italy, the Cobat consortium with the Milan Polytechnic

9) But build a electric car, and especially the battery, requires more energy

TRUE BUT … Those who have attempted to quantify the environmental impact (footprint) of the production process conclude that on average, that of an electric car is 25 to 30% higher. But considering the entire lifespan of the vehicle (production, more consumption for ten years and 150,000 kilometers), the electric car emits the equivalent of about 10 tons of CO2, a diesel car 23 tons , a gasoline engine 27 tons. According to more conservative studies, the electric car would have a 55% lower impact than the thermal car (but up to 85% less in countries producing more than 50% of the electricity produced from from renewable sources).

If I attack an electric car at the power outlet, I can not turn on a single light

FALSE! With a normal 3kWh home, the charging of a self-absorbing battery absorbs all available power for about eight hours. It's the arc of one night, when the other consumptions are zero. However, there are smart devices that regulate the power absorbed by the battery based on instant demand. Basically, they pause it momentarily when another device goes into service. The times are longer but the overload lock is not triggered. It is always possible to modify the contractual requirements by increasing the power up to 6 kWh

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