Here are the ingredients and the most dangerous foods in the world


One of the most exciting experiences while traveling is to try the local cuisine. But the products and foods eaten around the world are not always as harmless as one might think.

There are indeed ingredients that can be very dangerous for those who take them, causing illness, intestinal problems and, in some cases, death. Let's look at it

AFP / Yoshikazu Tsuno

The puffer fish is a very popular dish in Japan and is usually eaten with miso, fried, boiled and sashimi.

But it's one of the most popular dishes. lethal to the world: the internal organs of the animal, especially the liver and the eyes, contain tetradotoxin, a substance that causes paralysis and death by asphyxiation.

If you do not want to stop eating fugu, it is well treated the right way and hopes that the poison that it contained did not contaminate the fish tissues.

44 people died eating this dish from 1999 to 2016.


This is a fruit that comes from Jamaica and despite its seemingly harmless appearance, it can be very dangerous for humans.

Its taste is particularly sweet and rich in nutritional properties, however it should never be savored with skins or seeds.

otherwise, there would be poisoning, which is so prevalent on the Caribbean island that one has coined the phrase "Jamaican vomit disease".

Let's go back to Japan where, after the puffer fish, there is also Nomura's jellyfish

It's a huge size specimen that feeds on tuna and has a very high level of toxicity.

This is a fruit that is found in the region of Southeast Asia and is nicknamed "fruit that nausea".

Inside, it is in fact cyanide of hydrogen, dangerous for the man but it is also consumed

It is necessary as a precaution to peel it, to make it boil and cook with banana leaves and ash for about a month before eating.

Biosphoto / Sylvain Cordier

Kitchens around the world are full of cashews, but the ones we eat are normally roasted or steamed

If they are eaten raw, they can cause anaphylactic shock and dermatitis due to the presence of urushol, toxic substance also contained in ivy.

If they are cooked, elderberries are rich in antibiotic properties

But, on the contrary, if they are eaten raw, they may contain a compound of the type cyanide that causes vomiting, diarrhea and convulsions. The same goes for leaves and twigs

Already in ancient times, this plant was considered dangerous because of its hallucinogenic properties, so much so that in Italy its distillate was declared illegal until 1992. [19659002] Absinthe also contains the tujone, a substance that acts on the nervous system, causing hallucinations, violent behavior and epilepsy.

This dish, considered a real treat in Asia, is the main cause of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a rare neurodegenerative disease that causes dementia and death.

It's a typical Korean dish and it's nothing more than a live octopus seasoned with sesame seeds.

Its dangerousness is given by the fact that, being alive, the animal can move its tentacles with suckers that may stick to the internal organs.

These seafood are very popular in China and are consumed in large quantities.

These are eaten raw clams that contain a reddish liquid. Taken without cooking, it may cause viruses and bacteria that cause typhus, dysentery and hepatitis

See also: Interactive map showing typical dishes and recipes from around the world

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