Here are the safe beaches of Salvini


The Ministry of the Intern launched the plan " Safe Beaches ". Matteo Salvini illustrated this morning the points of the new circular that gives indications for safety for the summer of 2018. The directive will touch the daily life of Italians on vacation with new measures to give more security on beaches and tourist resorts: "It is not enough, indeed", not to buy the fake, not to be mbadaged by those who do not have the title, to do not buy the necklace to those who tend us "There will be" some millions of dollars taken from the Single Fund for Justice, then money confiscated from the mafia, which will be distributed to the prefectures to ensure payment overtime to local policemen who will patrol the beaches. "19659002] There will be no big news about the fines for those who buy" seen cumprà "ranging from 100 to 7 thousand euros:" It is already provided by the code – underlined Salvini – We did not want to increase the penalties, but simply put the agents in a position to apply the law in force by funding them with millions of euros from the Single Fund for Justice. It would be hypocritical to increase sentences indefinitely when there are not enough staff. And municipal governments will also be involved in the Viminale plan: "It is important to involve local authorities. What is already done in some municipalities we would like to extend to at least 30-40 to 50 holiday locations in areas infested by unauthorized persons. We have confidence in an increase in seizures and confiscations, the citizen has the right to remain under the umbrella without anyone proposing the worst. "

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