Here is the letter of 8 Confindustria associations in Di Maio against the tightening of futures contracts


Here is the text of the letter that 8 badociations of Confindustria active in the sectors of tourism, thermal, pleasure, catering and mountain sent to the Minister of Labor, Luigi Di Maio, against contracts to physiological term in the sectors the societies of the signatory badociations operate. Letter ignored by Di Maio

For our sectors "the use of fixed-term workers, particularly seasonal, is physiological because the same activity is subject to a cyclical question difficult to program." Thus, we intend to to represent you the very serious difficulties that would meet the system of companies we represent, where the government's intention to also apply the new discipline to seasonal contracts in progress is confirmed. "

These are the highlights of the letter that 8 badociations of companies from the sectors of tourism, spa, yachting, catering and mountains belonging to Confindustria have sent these days to the Ministry of Economic Development and Labor, Luigi Di Maio, against the tightening of the futures contracts announced by the circulars of the decree Dignity, approved yesterday by the Council of Ministers.

Letter ignored by the Vice-President of the Council, Di Maio

Here the full text of the letter signed by the presidents of the 8 badociations Confindustria


Rome, June 28, 2018

.mo The President
The Hon. Luigi Di Maio
Minister of Labor and Social Policy
Minister of Economic Development

Dear Sir,

we refer to the anticipations of the last days, concerning the next issue of the CD "Dignity Decree" which provides for new and additional cost increases for fixed-term contracts, to signal the need, absolutely vital for the tourism, spa, boating, catering and mountain sectors, and seasonal activities. have always connoted the business activity in these sectors, are saved in their entirety and excluded from this discipline.

It is important to point out that fixed-term contracts for seasonal reasons mean for them not only those stipulated by the companies in the strict sense of the term, but also those which have an annual opening which, in the course of Year, are facing peaks of work – can not be completely included in the sphere of what is called "bad flexibility".

For the above-mentioned sectors, the use of fixed-term workers, especially seasonal workers, seems to be physical. logical since it is the same activity that is subject to a cyclical question difficult to program

These constitute the only instrument that can be used by a specific type of companies which, if it can no longer use, would suffer devastating consequences, also in terms of employment. In this regard, we would like to point out to you that the seasonal work and activities excluded from the scope of the issuing provision are not only those identified by ministerial decree, but also those which are already very largely identified by collective bargaining, for the effect of previous legislative measures that affected the subject

Finally, we intend to represent the very serious difficulties that the business system that we face represent, where the government's intention to apply the new discipline to seasonal contracts has been confirmed. In progress.

Pending your urgent confirmation of what we have described above, we remain at your disposal for any clarification and we send you our best regards.

Valeria Ghezzi – President ANEF National Association of Cable Operators
Nardo Filippetti – President of ASTOI Confindustria Viaggi, Italian Association of Tour Operators
Giorgio Palmucci – President of the Italian Confindustria Hotels Association
Roberto Perocchio – President ASSOMARINAS Italian Association of Tourist Ports
Fulvio Fbadone – President of ATRI Associazione Travel Italia retail
Costanzo Iannotti Pecci – President of the FEDERTERME Italian Federation of Thermal Industries, Mineral Waters and Wellness Wellness
Gianfranco Battisti – President FEDERTURISMO Confindustria National Federation of the Travel Industry and Tourism [19659019] Carla Demaria – President UCINA Confindustria nautica


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