Yesterday, the Five Star Movement, posting an interview on Pandora TV on the Facebook profile of an interview with Jeroen Dijsselbloem, was the ignorant victim of a false news.
But who is behind Pandora TV? The journalist Giulietto Chiesa, former journalist of Unity, who has been fighting for years against the "general public" American. According to Corriere, he claims that the United States would have committed the attack of September 11, 2001 by "alone" and believes in the existence of chemtrails."I saw on Zero Hedge (another site, anonymous, in the smell of fake news, ed) this video and I jumped on the chair", The church is forbidden. And even: "We did not put quotation marks, it is clear that ours was a comment:" Implosion "of Italy is a metaphor and we have interpreted it". His television supports the "putinism" and populist sovereignty of this government. Contacts between Russians and pentastellatis were supported and relaunched by Pandora TV when, in 2016, some deputies M5S they went to Moscow. Finally, Chiesa is a great friend of Marcello Foa, the new chairman of Rai, but intends to take a neutral stance before this government. "When it was necessary, we also criticized, but we do not shoot guns because this government is an expression of the people, if people are confused, well, this government represents this uncertainty, the fault of the 40 governments precedents. "Ice Church which, at the last edition of Politics, was presented with the People's List for the Constitution, getting a paltry 0.2%.
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