According to the Eurotower a provision amending the Fornero law by inserting for example Quote 100 or Quota 41 would be a risk because a country like ours who has a debt High public should put in place " other reform efforts to reduce the expected increase in age-related expenditures ".
The European Central Bank "concluded that a sustainable adjustment of inflation was considerable" in the euro area. Thus, the executive, according to Bce should amend the law Fornero but to make even stricter the criteria for access to the pension so as not to The result, for BCE is that Italy is among the seven countries in the eurozone that this year risks a "significant deviation" from targets on public accounts provided for by the pacts of the EU. EU notes BCE in his economic bulletin . "Discretionary" adopted by granting a reduction of adjustment requirements to two countries in 2018 ", namely Italy and Slovenia, reflects the application of the Stability Pact" possible at the expense of complete transparency, consistency and predictability of reference, "says the newsletter. Homework is a danger that rests on the whole world. "The latest economic indicators and the results of economic surveys are more modest, but remain consistent with the continued solid and general growth of the economy," BCE added, explaining that "the slowdown in growth during the first quarter was relatively widespread "mainly because of the decline in exports."
In the new economic bulletin of the European Central Bank the board pointed out the risks of Retrospective Pension Reforms .
"The slowdown in growth observed between the last quarter of 2017 and the first quarter of 2018 – he points out – has affected most eurozone countries "However, we still need a" large degree of monetary compromise "and the Governing Council" is ready to adapt all its instruments, if any, for area so that inflation continues to gradually move to the level pursued. "
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