His Ventura-Bettarini: 4 arrested, one tied to the Inter curve


MILAN – Four people remain in the night for aggression against Niccolò Bettarini son ​​of the presenter Simona Ventura and the former football player Stefano Bettarini . These are the four men whom the boy's friends had already indicated during this long day of testimony and who were questioned by the agents of the Flying Squad and the Volante.

ULTRA & # 39; INTER – It is related to Inter curve one of the arrested last night for aggression against Niccolò Bettarini, son of Simona Ventura and former footballer Stefano. This is a boy of just over twenty, reached by a measure of Daspo in recent years and, during the interrogation of yesterday, he denied having hit Bettarini near the Old Fashion nightclub. The other detainee is another Italian and two Albanians while investigations of an administrative nature are in progress for a provision by Commissioner Marcello Cardona concerning the premises. The charge for those arrested is attempted murder . Niccolò Bettarini is not in danger of death, even though he was injured by stab wounds. The operation that led to detention orders will be illustrated at a press conference at 11 am at the Milan police station

VENTURA – " After this long and long day, I can say that it went well You are better, thank God … You were brave and I t love and more Niccolo . "To write on Twitter, posting a photo of his son, is the conductor Simona Ventura comforted by the Improved conditions of Niccolò Bettarini, stabbed the other night in Milan Four people were arrested for the attack on charges of attempted homicide.

THE RECONSTRUCTION OF FACTS – That the solution was in the air was already understood in the daytime: " I recognized them, three of them looked like drug addicts, they were between 30 and 40 years old, we had eyes blue … I hope that they will stay in prison ", a friend of Niccolo's had told agents of the Mobile Squad Flight er in the police premises in Milan, waiting for others on the sidewalk of Via Fatebenefratelli. He had said that " were angry at the Betta, I pushed back one." He lost a lot of blood . "Another boy, who had witnessed Bettarini's aggression, added that" looked like animals ". Our son Niccolo & # 39; was attacked by many people trying to defend a friend Fortunately the consequences are not serious Niccolo & # 39; is recovering quickly, a miracle saw the 11 infested blows ", wrote Simona Ventura and Stefano Bettarini, while the hospital of Niguarda in which Niccolo is hospitalized explained that" the boy had superficial cutaneous lesions on the trunk, abdomen and upper limb, and all necessary investigations were performed: an intervention for injury (to a nerve) reported to the upper limb. The prognosis is however reserved ". In the meantime, in fact, the intervention. What happened after 5 o'clock yesterday is still a bit confusing also because of the contrasting versions with those of Niccolò's friends who would have done all four but it would really be a dispute triggered for insignificant reasons amplified by alcohol drunk by the attackers. Roberto Cominardi owner of Old Fashion, had tried to rebuild: " Niccolo" was silent in the room, from the image of 33 cameras we did not have anyone who quarreled with him. talk to an employee until the time of closing and, since they all know him, they would have reported if anyone had anything to do with Niccolo's ]

TESTIMONIAL – Cominardi says that, again cameras, we see the young man walking away from the room, looking at some people who were fighting and going away. The same people then go in his direction.The story of Cominardi ends here because beyond the cameras do not go.However, inquiries by the Commissioner Marcello Cardiona on the premises are in progress .It is in front of a kiosk of sandwiches and beverages that chaos has been unleashed.Maybe a look too much on someone else. one and the fight began, Bettarini could have intervened to defend a friend but, as one of the witnesses points out, " was fierce against him ". It was struck with a knife, perhaps a awl which, however, was not found. She was called an ambulance and the nineteen-year-old was transported to the hospital in "yellow" code, then in non-serious conditions, who became "red" (critical condition) to His arrival. After further checks, it was understood that was not mortal . Throughout the day at the police station, Bettarini's friends were listened to to give precise instructions that led the four detainees to the police station. Many messages of solidarity "to Ventura and Bettarini, but also to Niccolo", aspiring professional footballer and very active on social networks

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