Holiday homes, from September 1st, code obligation in Lombardy


New rules for holiday homes in Lombardy: from 1 September will be mandatory to indicate on the rental listings the "Cir", a code of identification of houses and apartments rented for purposes tourist. The decision is contained in a resolution of the Region. "Cir is a kind of tax code and must appear on all advertisements published on the web portals of holiday homes," says Lombardy's tourism advisor Lara Magoni. For the Commissioner, "we provide an instrument to guarantee users: we were among the first regions in Italy to define a clear and simple regulatory framework to ensure fair competition and legality, given the growing availability of holiday homes and apartments. online platforms. This is a phenomenon that must be considered, certainly ruled and observed. "

Federalberghi's satisfaction was expressed that the identification code is" in the right direction. "" We hope that this instrument, already in force in Paris – underlines Federalberghi in a press release – confers a minimum of transparency to a polluted market, where today the consumer has no certainty as to the identity of the manager and the accuracy of the property's location; and remains completely exposed to the risk of fraud and scams. The publication of the identification code, in addition to fulfilling the main task of protection of the tourist – concludes the note – will generate benefits for the entire local community, as it will facilitate the action of the organs responsible for the control of public safety, taxes and public order and urban decorum ".

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