Homework and the political crisis in Germany still maintain EU subsidies in red


  Angela Merkel "title =" Angela Merkel "src =" https://static.milanofinanza.it/img/1.gif "data-original =" https://static.milanofinanza.it/content_upload/img/ 2018/07/201807021824466456 / Merkelpreoccupata-807644.jpg "/> </figure>
<p>  Sign less end of the day for Piazza Affari and other European stock exchanges (London -1.17%, Paris -0.88%, Madrid -0.67 However, after a sharp decline due to the negative effects of tariffs and political instability in Germany, they have gradually reduced their losses during today 's session, also thanks to positive macroeconomic data. Interior, Horst Seehofer, threatened to resign and withdraw from the government of his party, the Csu of Bavaria, the support of his party, the Bavarian Csu. [1] Merkel </p>
<p>  Seehofer judged the agreement on the management of migratory flows ra He added to the European Council last week that he was "unsatisfactory and ineffective, "while on the protectionist front, Ross's words must be emphasized. It is "too early to say whether the tariffs on cars (proposed by President Donald Trump, ed) will be approved and will enter into force," said the Secretary of Commerce, adding that all discussions on a possible exit of United States of the world Trade Organization "is very premature". The reference is to rumors last week, then denied by the White House, that Trump would have been willing to leave the US to the WTO. "We have never hidden that we think the WTO needs reforms" but we are not talking about withdrawal, the Secretary concluded. </p>
<p>  On the macroeconomic front, it should be noted that the Eurozone final manufacturing PMI in June, developed by Ihs Markit, stood at 54.9 points, down 55.5 points in May. The figure is slightly lower than preliminary data and consensus, both at 55 points. This is the minimum reading of 18 months </p>
<p>  The US PMI, however, in the final reading of June, stood at 55.4 points, better than the preliminary at 54.6, while the ISM manufacturing index hit 60.2 points in June, up from 58.7 in May and above consensus expectations of 58.1 points </p>
<p>  Milan sold 0.92% at the end of the session, with a counter-value of trade of 2.09 billion euros, slightly lower than last week. In Piazza Affari, sales on Mediaset <span clbad= (- 3.65%) were already strong last Friday in the wake of the deterioration of Morgan Stanley. On the first day of the capital increase, Prysmian sold 1.75%. The duties were also in red, which sold at 4.09%

Bank accounts were countered (Ftse Bank -0.48%): Banco Bpm + 0.84%, Mediobanca -0.5%, Unicredit -0.36%, Intesa Sanpaolo -0.72%, Ubi -0.88% and Bper -1.34%.

Male Recordati (-12.45%) which, however, was slightly above the price of the future Opa (28 euros per share) of Cvc. Indeed, an agreement was reached for the sale of the majority stake in Cvc for a consideration of approximately 3 billion euros, which implies a price of 28 euros per share. Value at which the next mandatory Opa will take place

Descent, among others, blue tokens, Stm (- 2.04%) and Tim (-1.44%), while that. they closed in marginal Progression of UnipolSai (+ 0.4%) and Unipol (+ 0.12%). Fca stable (+ 0.02%)

On the rest of the list, there are Trevi (+ 16.19%) and Giglio Group (+ 15.5%). Well, in addition, Energica (+ 12.24%) and Casta Diva (+ 16.05%). The World Trade Blockchain Summer Edition was held Friday in New York, an event organized by Casta Diva Forums that allowed 9 companies to present their ICO (Initial Coin Offering) project in front of an audience of over 100 investors among business angels, institutional investors, family offices, fund managers, HNWIs (wealthy individuals) and crypto investors

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