Hot record in Scandinavia, temperatures above + 30 ° C – Photogallery


Norway, Sweden and Finland were hit by an exceptional heat wave for days, with temperatures of more than 30 degrees, deaths of elderly people and a fire emergency. And the experts have no doubt: all the fault of global warming.


"For the second time this year, all of Scandinavia is affected by an abnormal heat wave, with temperatures up to 15 degrees more than normal, resulting from the Arrival of rather hot currents directly from North Africa to all quotas ". That's what the sitometeo writes. "These are the days and days that the maximum temperatures exceed 30 degrees – explains the site – with peaks of 33-34 on the Arctic circuit, Kevo Finland and Alta inNorvegia: the average temperature of these two places in July It's 17 degrees! And then we saw the 34 in Stockholm, where there should be a maximum of 22, and 34 in Uppsala (Sweden), where there should be 21. higher values, we must go back 85 years: July 9, 1933 in Uppsala reached the 37th, but it was only one day, we are talking about a week of intense heat ".

"The Scandinavians are not equipped for this heat – explains – they do not have very widespread packaging systems, they never needed them." why the heat wave that affects all this Scandinavia creates many problems especially among the elderly, with many deaths.

As in the Mediterranean, even in Scandinavia, heat favors fires. speaks of "more than 80 fronts, on which firefighters intervene, not without difficulties". Assistance has also been requested from the European Community. According to the weather website, the exceptional heat in Scandinavia will last 'a few days, at least until the next weekend'.

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