How did the EU summit in Brussels really end up on migrants (and not only)


S landing platforms for migrants, the establishment of control centers in countries that want them, the 500 million euros to the trust fund for Africa (and 3 billions of euros to Turkey for the management of refugees). In the background, completely silent, the progress of the banking union, the strengthening of the European stability mechanism and a final call for negotiations on Brexit to reach an agreement by October. Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, summed up the long summit that has just ended in Brussels. His words offer a good summary of what happened in a 48-hour high impact media, even for institutional reasons: Tusk is in the role of figure super partes in the middle of # 39, a quarrelsome summit, started with mutual threats and concluded between the claims of success enjoyed by all leaders in the field.

The summit finally focused almost exclusively on the issue of migrants, highlighted by the tensions that divided Europe between the Franco-German Macron and Merkel, the countries Eastern Europe (led by Viktor Orban) and the agreement, perhaps now oscillating between the Italy of Matteo Salvini, the Bavarian Minister Horst Seehofer and the Austrian Prime Minister Sebastian Kurz. Tusk's budget is pretty indicative: on the issue of migrants too early to talk about a success – said Tusk in a statement – We found an agreement, but that's only partially easier than expected .

What they say conclusions, landing platforms at the volunteer centers

Tusk summarized the highlights of the conclusions already circulated in the morning, after a night marathon that took place. is finished at dawn. The President of the Twenty-Nights stressed that the compromise text includes three proposals that he himself supported: landing platforms outside Europe (we are talking about Africa of the North, even if there is no confirmation), a budget dedicated to combating illegal immigration in the next multiannual financial framework and strengthening European support for the Libyan Coast Guard. In addition, Tusk adds, the Council sent a clear message to all boats, including those from NGOs operating in the Mediterranean: they must respect the law and not hinder the operations of the Libyan Coast Guard. A call that equates clear and unequivocal support for the actions of the Maltese authorities

The other pillar of the compromise are the supervised centers that can be built on a voluntary basis in all EU countries. Their functioning described in the conclusions of the summit: the structures would be used to provide a fast and safe treatment (which) would, with the full support of the EU, distinguish between irregular migrants, who will be repatriated, people in need of an international protection. In any case, as recalled by Tusk, all the measures envisaged in the context of their internal relocation and resettlement will be implemented on a voluntary basis. Go ahead for the provision of the second tranche of the refugee facility in Turkey (Facility for Refugees, a fund that will be refinanced with a tranche of 3 billion euros) and for transfer to the Fund trustee of the European Union for Africa 500 million euros

From the Banking Union to Brexit, the "other" themes on the table

Far from the spotlight, the Board meeting put other crucial deadlines for the future of the euro area on the agenda. Tusk recalls that the Twenty-eight confirmed that they wanted to proceed with the realization of the banking union and the strengthening of the European stability mechanism, the so-called state savings fund. Another chapter that would have held, in other contexts, the one on Brexit. How are the works? Apparently, slow. Tusk explained that the toughest issues still need to be resolved and that swift progress is needed if we want to reach an agreement by October. In short, it is the last call to put the cards on the table.

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