How much is the search for the autistic child lost in the Serle Woods?


The search for Iuschra, a 12-year-old girl who died on July 19, 2018 in a wood in Serle, Brescia province, continues unabated.

We arrive on the fifth day with the prefect of Brescia, Annunziato Vardé, who announced that the operations will continue until July 28, after which point will be made to define the subsequent strategies.

Vardé recalled how the authorities are "convinced to continue until we have news"

in the afternoon of July 24, the excavation operations will continue in the wood "combed" by nearly 300 men in the territory, belonging to the Civil Protection, the Fire and the Rescuers Alpine

After 4 days, 284 volunteers of civil protection, Alpine Rescue and Forest Rangers are engaged in operations of research, with 30 speleologists, 40 molecular dogs.

In research, covering an area of ​​about 25 square kilometers, "The search will continue until at least Monday morning," said Serle Mayor Paolo Bonvicini.

"Another 48 hours in these terms.In the end, if necessary, we will make a point for further badessments."

Operations are made even more difficult because of the many caves in the area and where the 39, child could be located.

"Our fears derive from the conformation morphology of the territory in question, which is very karstic, and the fear is that the girl has fallen into one of the many ravines of the territory of Serle," said the prefect .

In addition, the girl could hide to her rescuers

The search for civil protection and mountain rescue of the 12-year-old girl with a disability began on July 19.

According to what was rebuilt by the police in the early moments, the child, with autism, he was in the company of a group on a trip when he disappeared in the air around noon , causing the loss of its traces among the brambles.

At the time of the disappearance, the 12-year-old boy wore a ma small yellow lily with flowers and a pair of black leggings.

The police invited anyone to report their presence to the researchers

As reported by Il Giorno, the parents explained that the girl was a large walker. and he could go to Cain.

On the spot, however, the search was immediately taken: there are firefighters and the alpine rescue, in addition to the volunteers of the Civil Defense, the 118 and the police.

The prosecutor's office of Brescia is looking for the eventual responsible for the disappearance of the child

The investigations concern the foundation of psychosafety badistance based in Brescia with which the young girl was at the moment she was lost in the "Summer Project". ]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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