How the Salvini plan works to counter the landings of Libya


  How the Salvini Plan works to counter the landings of Libya


Matteo Salvini, Minister of the Interior

The "Salvini Plan" to strengthen the partnership with Libya and curb Immigration goes through "the supply of inflatable boats, equipment and vehicles to the Coast Guard, the Libyan Navy and Border Guard" are the details of the program communicated by diplomatic sources after a meeting of the Italian-Libyan Tripoli bilateral commission, chaired by the Italian Ambbadador to Libya, Giuseppe Perrone, the meeting is the "first concrete result" of the mission accomplished in the Libyan capital on June 25 by the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, precisely to immediately implement the lines presented by the Deputy Prime Minister, it was pointed out: Among the other points of the agreement, there are:

  • An acceleration May ntien Libyan units
  • The execution of the soprallu oghi, requested especially for that of Ghat, in the south of the country.

The cost of the agreement

For the operation the Italian government allocates 1 million and 150 thousand euros, plus another 1.3 million in two years for the maintenance of vehicles and training of Libyan Navy and Coast Guard personnel. This is provided for by the draft decree examining the pre-Council of Ministers. The decree – reads the Sole24Ore – consists of 4 articles

The first states that "is authorized, in accordance with specific agreements with the competent authorities" Libyan and "in accordance with the international and European provisions in force on sanctions", L & # "Free badignment" up to a maximum of 10 Cp, clbad 500 naval units, supplied to the Port Authority – Coast Guard "and" up to a maximum of 2 naval units, from 27 meters , clbad Corrubia, provided to the Guardia di Finanza ". For the "restoration of efficiency, structural adjustment and transfer" in Libya, Article 1 of the decree provides for a budget of one million and 150 thousand euros. One million and 370 thousand euros are allocated to article 2 "for the maintenance of naval units, for the realization of the training and training activities of the" Coast Guard and Libyan Navy "personnel, in order to 39, improve their operational capabilities, illegal immigration and trafficking in human beings.

The Libyan Coast Guard Charge

Sunday Libya seemed to want to reject Italy's bid to give 12 patrol boats for rescues at sea. – Coast Guard Tripoli, Admiral Ayoub Qbadem, contacted by the Agi, has described as "political propaganda" the dispatch of patrol boats announced in recent days by the Minister of Transport. Interior Matteo Salvini following the fragile agreement European countries are basing themselves precisely on the sea rescue capacity of Libya. A position, however, that contrasts with that of the Chief of Staff of the Libyan Navy, Admiral Salem Rahuma. In fact, Rahuma hoped that Italy will provide "as soon as possible" other means to the Tripoli Coast Guard to combat human trafficking and make "good" migrants. "We have a very strong partnership with Italy: I am sure that Italy will support even more the Libyan Navy and the Coast Guard," said Admiral Ansa. "I would like this help to come as soon as possible, I am sure that it will benefit the migrants," he added

  How the Salvini plan acts to counter the landings in Libya

The landowners [19659014] Libyan Coast

The "fleet" of the Libyan Coast Guard, says Repubblica, remains the same: four patrol boats, clbad Bigliani, dismantled by the Guardia di Finanza, given by Berlusconi to Gaddafi in 2011, damaged during the war, reported in Italy for repairs and give back last year, the first two and then two others, the Gentiloni government. Old vehicles, with very little equipment on board and a limited number of trained staff in recent months in Italy. The 10 "Clbad 500" Coast Guard vessels included in the agreement are 10-meter fiberglbad boats, with a range of 200 miles and a maximum speed of 35 knots; the two GDF "Clbade Corrubia" naval units are 27-meter boats that can reach 43 knots and have a cruising range of 21 kilometers, ie 800 km or 36 hours. The team is composed of 14 people

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