How to combine the contributions paid to another institute?


From 25/3/2010, I receive two old age treatments, one INPS (May 1973 – May 1992 plus various ransoms), the other INARCASSA (1992/2006) (wage measure), received during the period Validity of an badignment to an ASL, report started in January 2006 and completed in March 2012. Given the 6 years of contribution, I applied for an INPDAP pension, after dismissing, because of its cost excessive, reunification. Please note that the application was filed on 24/11/2011 and rejected on 22/10/2012 with the following reasoning: "In accordance with Law 335/95, the beneficiaries of the contributory system are those without a seniority contribution to 1/1/1996, although this previous contribution is no longer available as it has already resulted in a pension treatment, it is also clarified that the current legislation does not provide for a pension. application of the additional amount to a pension INPS. "Should I consider the contributions paid or the alternatives as permanently lost?

The Italian Social Security System for workers who have had a discontinuous professional career, the instruments for collecting contributions paid into various pension schemes.

These include the reunification of the totalization and the very recent free accumulation .

These instruments, which have different characteristics, make it possible in practice for those with insurance in different social security schemes to consolidate, by transfer, all contribution periods in one direction, in order to obtain a single pension. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to use these tools because it is necessary to adhere to very strict rules to use these tools.

The main condition, which accumulates among the others is the method of reunification, totalization and free accumulation, it is impossible to accumulate contributions in a single pension if you already hold a direct pension. This is a significant problem that prohibits those who already receive pension treatment INPS (as in this case) from being able to use the tools provided by the legislation in force.

As specified in the article in question, once the retreat obtained, old or early, it is no longer possible to rethink. In that the badessment of the grouping of contributions is a choice that must be made in retirement, that is to say before the liquidation of any pension treatment.

However, there are exceptions to this rule:

– to obtain a self-employed pension in the establishment where the contributions were not accumulated,

– or to obtain pension supplements .

In the first case, in order to be able to badert the contributions paid to another Institute (at the Inpdap in this case), an autonomous pension right must be reached with this social security institution according to the rules in force. Therefore, in this case, the requirements (minimum 20 years of contributions) required by the old management of Inpdap (unmet requirement) must be accumulated.

Only hope lies in the pension supplements or in the supplementary pension . The two benefits have in common that they can only be obtained by those who have already retired, but the difference between these two institutions actually lies from the moment the contributions were paid and from the fund. in which they were paid.

To better explain:

– if the contributions are paid after the beginning of the main pension and for the same type of activity (for example private employee, trader, worker enrolled in the separate management which continues, respectively, the same activity after retirement) we speak of complement,

– in all other cases, the pensioner will however be entitled to the supplementary pension. The supplementary pension therefore concerns a check granted by a fund other than the one which has liquidated the main treatment. For example, as in this case, consider a retiree in the FPLD who subsequently paid contributions into the Inpdap as a public employee.

The supplementary pension, unfortunately, is not due if the person is pensioned to the Fpld / Inps because the rules governing the relationship between the INPS and the old INPDAP management provide for a single pension for all contributions to both Funds. Therefore, when the subject holds a principal pension paid by the Aggo (compulsory general insurance) and has several years of contribution in an exclusive management (ex-Inpdap) or in another alternative management of the AGO, the contributions present in these managements can not give rise to the granting of a complementary pension.

Article taken from the advice given by dr. Daniele Bonaddio

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