How to design the future of contemporary cities |


The XXI is the century of challenges the one who has to face the problem of inequality, climate change, insecurities, international migration. We are witnessing a period of unprecedented urban and demographic growth: In today 's increasingly globalized and interconnected world, more than half of the world' s population lives in currently in urban areas. We live more and more in cities and urban systems. Alone, but also with many others: pedestrians, motorists, citizens, commuters, tourists, foreigners, unexpected users, participants and spectators. New needs emerge including the need for new relationships and new spaces – not virtual – where to live them, often even temporarily, with the form of the event and the ephemeral ensemble, often with low-level processes, which promote transformations and sometimes real buy-outs of long-term places.

We have before us the challenge to give a concrete form to these complex spaces which welcome new collective needs and offer multiple opportunities of use . In particular, reference is made to the need for places capable of interpreting, on the one hand, the forms and modes of a social arrangement and of a constantly evolving community and on the other hand to grasp the challenges and opportunities brought by communication technologies but also for the production of objects.

Starting from the belief that one of the great challenges of the future will be to provide cities with living spaces "beyond the architecture", with light structures, able to meet in an innovative way to the complex needs of contemporary collective life, Master in Urban Interior Design . The training course, which takes place between Milan and Madrid thanks to the collaboration of Polytechnic of Milan,, Escuela Politécnica Superior Universidad CEU San Pablo of Madrid puts at the center of the political and professional agenda the quality of the urban public space, understood as a container of innovative services, functions and devices able to interact with the complexity of the communities who use it. Arrived at his IV edition the Master proposes to develop with the future Urban Interior designer new solutions for spaces of public life in the contemporary cities by the theory, the research , planning and practical training

We can affirm that we are in a new era of open public space . After its temporary "death" due to the bursting of intimism in everyday life, there is a general resurgence of the role of the urban space. Today, the perceived quality of a city depends more on the welcoming character of its open spaces than the eloquence of its monuments, the ability to generate interactions, suggesting imaginaries through narratives enhancing urban spaces in the competitive context of the global market. Design plays a decisive role in the formation of these spaces, by designing updated situations, processes, and services that place people at the center, studying their actions / reactions around the world. space.

The Master in Urban Interior Design also takes advantage of the opportunity to develop skills in a territory, such as Italy and the United States. Europe who boast of the millennial tradition of "urban life" . In particular, student in Milan recognized as the capital of design in the world, allows you to discover, discover and experience in person the aesthetic, functional and symbolic qualities of places such as Piazza Gae Aulenti, Piazza del Campo Siena, Piazza Risorgimento in Bari, Piazza Castello in Castel Rozzone, and many others. But not only. Participation in the educational program of universities and trainers from other countries connects the Master's degree to an international panorama, opening a real look at the most current processes in the world. A period of study in Madrid, didactic contributions of high-level teachers from Argentina, Australia, Great Britain compare students with a very broad horizon.

The Master Course entirely in English works on the value of the quality of the public space, conveying the cultural and social complexities of those who live it and its program allows students to qualify for the private and public sector, both as independent consultants and integrated into complex organizations.

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