how to download expenses, electronic invoice


Fuel Card, Electronic Invoice, Traceable Payments: Changing the Gasoline and Diesel Deduction Rules for Businesses and Professionals

Fuel cards, flanked by electronic invoicing, are still valid ; However, who wants to offload the costs of gasoline and diesel, from 1 July 2018 must make payment by traceable instruments, such as credit cards, debit cards or prepaid cards: this is established by the Finance Act 2018 [1] in order to fight against fraud and evasion. The electronic bill will instead be the only way to document the fuel purchases made at the roadside distribution facilities by those who have the VAT number, from 1 January 2019 only: from that date, it falls therefore the exemption from the obligation to certify fuel supply operations [2] an exemption that only subsists for transactions made with regard to final consumers. Thus, for companies and professionals, they modify the way to deduct the costs related to the refueling of their vehicles: after the transition period, from July 1 to December 31, 2018, they actually send the fuel cards to the attic, while the Money attic immediately. But let's throw a little light on fuel costs : how to download expenses, electronic bill traceable payments, the related obligations for professionals and businesses.

What expenses for fuel can professional download

As for the professionals it should be noted that not all fuel purchases can be deducted from revenues, but only those of refueling the vehicle used in the practice of the profession (even if it is necessary for the vehicle to be registered in the name of the professional, for example in the case of rental or leasing.)

In this regard, it must be remembered that expenses related to the car or the vehicle of the professional are not deductible from the income 100%, but to the extent of 20% while the VAT can be deducted up to 40% . These deductibility and deductibility limits are not only valid for the purchase of the means of transport, but also for the costs of maintenance and refueling.

In practice, for the professional, the costs of gasoline or diesel can not be fully deducted from income, but only 20% can be deducted, while the VAT can be deducted at 40%.

Agents and Representatives As a rule deduct 100% of VAT 80% of costs, including the purchase of fuel

What fuel costs can companies discharge? ?

As for the companies the limits related to the deduction are as follows: same as for professionals (not agents or representatives), when the use of the vehicle is promiscuous. If the vehicle is an instrumental badet of the company, the deductibility goes to 100%

If the company car is entrusted to an employee for the payment of a fee, it deducts 100% VAT, even on the costs of use, while the costs are amortized at 70% without limits, including those relating to fuel.

How to use the fuel card?

The fuel card is the document proving the purchase of the same fuel, gasoline, diesel or LPG

For the fuel cost to be deducted, indicate in :

  • the personal data and the VAT number of the purchaser of the fuel
  • the date of purchase of the fuel,
  • the make and model of the vehicle, as well as the registration plate;
  • the seller's personal data, including the VAT number;
  • the quantity of fuel purchased with the relative price
  • l the signature and stamp of the seller's company;
  • the number of Km traveled by the vehicle

If the fuel card is not filled correctly and in all its elements, the cost of gasoline can not be How s & D Pay fuel charges with credit cards ?

The fuel card is not required if the purchase is made exclusively with credit cards debit cards or prepaid cards, if issued by financial operators subject to the obligation of notification. As expected, however, the purchase with these instruments, as of July 1, 2018, is the only one that will give the right to deduct the cost of refueling.

The cash purchase is not forbidden, but prevents to pay the shipping costs. fuel

With regard to the methods of use of fuel purchase cards, in order to guarantee the deduction of VAT and the deductibility of costs, the means of electronic payment must:

  • be issued by a financial operator subject to the obligation to communicate to the tax authorities,
  • be registered in the name of the person carrying on the economic activity

According to the development decree [19659034] (the provision that allowed the possibility of exempting fuel cards that pays with the card), the receipts of payments made with the electronic card must contain all elements for the identification of the Such as, for example, the date and subject of the refueling, as well as the amount of the corresponding fee. As of July 1, 2018, suppliers will have to issue an electronic invoice.

It is also possible to use the electronic card to make other expenses, provided that the payment of the supply is made with a separate transaction. Loyalty cards can not be considered electronic even if they are used for payment.

These indications provided for by the Development Decree and the Practice Paper could, in any case, be ignored by the Director of the Revenue Agency. to be adopted as a result of the coming into force of the 2018 Finance Act. According to the provisions of the Finance Act [4] the Agency could in fact provide new ways to prove the purchase fuel.

fuel with electronic bill?

For fuel purchases made by the holders of the VAT number, the supplier is obliged, from 1 July 2018, to issue electronic invoice . Road transport distribution systems are exempt: as we have seen, in these cases fuel cards can be combined with the electronic bill. But how does the electronic bill work to get gasoline, diesel, LPG? The electronic bill for the purchase of gasoline or diesel is a tax document issued by the distributor when he buys fuel for motor vehicles

The document must be issued and sent to the recipient (professional or company who has to discharge fuel costs) through the exchange system (SDI), ie the system of the Agency of income that is already used for bills in the public administration.

For more information: How to make the electronic bill. What are the data on the electronic invoice for the purchase of fuel filled?

The invoice is not required to include the registration plate number or other identification element of the vehicle provided; these elements may possibly be included in the appropriate field of the transport invoice, to facilitate the link of the purchase to a specific vehicle for the purpose of cost deductibility.

If more than one operation is carried out at the distributor, even if for some of them there is no obligation of the electronic document, the full fee must be indicated on the bill.

How to receive the electronic invoice for fuel?

The recipient can receive the invoice by: [19659016] certified e-mail (Pec)

  • the web procedure made available by the Revenue Agency,
  • the appropriate application for smartphones or other mobile devices,
  • specific software to install on the PC.
  • The transmitter can also use a cooperative system application known as Sdicoop, or a network of remote terminals connected by a llo ftp protocol, but in this way the procedures and obligations are considerably complicated

    How to reduce fuel costs for the company car?

    Employees on the road with company car can apply for an electronic bill for the purchase of gasoline or diesel on behalf of the same company s & # They made the payment with their credit card (and not with that of the company). The important thing is that the expense is attributable to the company with traceable instruments and that employees are reimbursed, even in this case, with traceable instruments such as bank transfer.

    How to reduce fuel costs with vouchers and cards?

    To pay for gasoline or diesel, fuel vouchers and may be used, provided that they are for single use only, provided that they are: an electronic invoice is issued (except for exemptions valid until December 31, 2018)

    In contrast, coupons and multi-purpose cards, vouchers and fuel cards, which can be reloaded or not, can be used at distributors operated by different companies or allowing the purchase of goods or services (wiper blades, car wash), transfer or recharge is not subject VAT, and therefore no electronic invoice is required.

    Who is exempt from electronic invoice to download the costs of

    The obligation of electronic invoice for the purchase of gasoline or diesel is not provided, even at as of January 1, 2019, for the purchase of:

    • fuel other than gasoline or diesel (eg LPG or CNG), but only until December 31, 2018; in any case, the fuel card must be used;
    • gasoline or diesel used for other purposes than the car, such as lawn mower, heating system or generator.

    They are excluded from the obligation of the electronic bill for the purchase of professional fuels and companies that belong to the minimum or lump sum scheme (the lump sum, however, can not not deduct fuel.)


    [1] Art.164, Co.1bis, Tuir.

    [2] Art.2 Lett.b Dpr 696/1996.

    [3] Dl 70/2011.

    [4] Art.1, Co.923, L.205 / 2017.

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