How Trump betrayed the United States of America


Why did US President Donald Trump repudiate his intelligence community at the press conference on the sidelines of the Helsinki meeting with Vladimir Putin? Why the commander of the most powerful army in the world who deployed military forces in Europe for the sole purpose of discouraging a Russian invasion (which will not be there) discredited the same agencies that guided his decisions military? Why did President Trump publicly deny his secret services, his CIA, his FBI and his NSA believing in the former KGB spy Vladimir Putin, a competitor (no longer an opponent) ideological, political, military and economic? Trump wanted to show the world that unlike Barack Obama, he would be able to establish a prolific relationship with Putin. But the winner of Helsinki was Vladimir Putin.

Infallibility is granted to the President of the United States. However, after the meeting in Helsinki, this principle can not be accepted by a dogma of the American intelligence community

Putin's 45-minute delay

Trump and Putin have already met in July Last year Hamburg during the G-20 and four months later in Vietnam for the Asia-Pacific Economic Summit. However, Helsinki was their first two-man meeting. In recent days, the word "summit / summit" has disappeared from official documents. What happened inside the Finnish presidential palace was a historic meeting with a view to an official summit. It remains to be seen whether the meeting will produce concrete results. For the two leaders, the meeting was a success

Putin is known to be late for high profile events. This is considered a specific political strategy. The delay is determined by the perception and importance of the foreign interlocutor. In meetings held in 2009 and 2012 with President Barack Obama of the time, Putin has been presented with 40 and 45 minutes late respectively. Angela Merkel and Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych waited nearly four hours. In 2015, the Pope waited for Putin at the Vatican for more than an hour. US President Donald Trump is late for meetings of the G7 and NATO

90 minutes face to face

Trump and Putin, accompanied by the only interpreters, discussed a little more than 90 minutes in the Gothic hall of the building.

The content of the topics is clbadified. The success of the two presidents was based primarily on three factors: the perception of the other based on the study of the profile established by the respective secret services (Trump remains at odds with his intelligence community on the interference Russian during the elections), confidence in their diplomatic abilities to influence each other and concessions obtained. European allies who ignore the strategic framework of the US president feared meeting in camera with their direct opponent (definition and perception not shared by all member countries).

Extended Bilateral Meeting [19659005] It was only after their face-to-face that the two leaders were flanked by government officials for an expanded bilateral meeting, prelude to the first official summit. Trump was joined by National Security Advisor John Bolton, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and Fiona Hill, the best Russian expert on the National Security Council. Many topics were discussed: from the reduction of nuclear arsenals to the shared desire to improve relations between the two countries, from the denuclearization of North Korea to radical Islamic terrorism. From cybersecurity to Syria (both expressed the desire to help the Syrian people)

Trump denied to his intelligence community the Russian interference during the presidential elections, but did not not mentioned the military exercises in the Baltic countries. 2 hours and 11 minutes later, the two leaders held a joint press conference

Helsinki, what Putin said

"It was a professional meeting for a fruitful round of negotiations. relations between Russia and the United States have been complicated.We must leave behind this climate of cold war, there is no need for confrontation, the situation has changed, we face common challenges, ever-increasing terrorism and international crime, not to mention the economic and environmental problems It is clear to everyone that bilateral relations are going through a complicated phase, yet these obstacles, this tension, this atmosphere were based on nothingness. There was no good reason, there was no collusion in the US presidential elections, I defend the interests of Russia, President Trump defends nd American interests: our collusion would make no sense. There was no collusion, everyone knows it. We have never interfered with US affairs. This is a position that I have had to repeat several times over the past few months, even during our personal contacts. I have expressed concerns about the withdrawal of the United States from the Iranian nuclear deal. We also mentioned our concern about the US withdrawal from the JCPOA. I immediately treated Donald Trump with the utmost respect when he visited Moscow years ago. It's a complete nonsense to think that over the years we would have gathered compromising information about anyone. I myself have been an intelligence officer and I know how the files are compiled. The United States and Russia are democracies and, as such, such situations should be clarified in the courts. The United States has been working with Israel for decades, but we are working for their security as well. We are ready to extradite criminals, but even the United States should allow us to question those who have committed crimes against the Russian Federation. I do not know the story of the twelve Russian secret service agents indicted by the US Department of Justice following the investigations of Robert Mueller ("prolonged effort to hack emails and computer networks of Democrats during 2016 elections ", after the accusations the Democrats asked Trump to cancel his meeting with Putin). However, we should be guided by the facts: there is no data that indicates collusion. The American people had their own opinion on the presidential candidates, but it is natural to be in solidarity with someone who wants to bring cooperation. I was rooting for Trump. Yes, I did it. "

Helsinki, what Trump said

" We should have had this meeting a long time ago. I think we are all to blame. We were stupid. I think the United States has now turned to Russia. We both made mistakes. The investigation of Special Adviser Robert Mueller on Russian interference in the 2016 US elections has had a negative impact on US-Russian relations. Putin has never been an opponent, but a good competitor: it's a good thing, not a bad one. From my point of view, it's a compliment. Putin reiterated the strangeness of Russia for the presidential elections. The survey of the special consultant was a disaster for our country. After an unprecedented crisis, relations between Russia and the United States have improved, I really do. I believe that diplomacy with Russia, even if it is not politically popular, is necessary. Nothing would be easier than refusing to meet, to refuse to engage, but that would lead to nothing. President Putin has been strong and powerful in refusing any Russian interference in the presidential elections and I believe it (Trump actually denied his own intelligence community). Instead, I do not understand why the FBI never took the Democratic National Committee's email server and Hillary Clinton's missing e-mails. Why did not they have the server? I was wondering. Where is the server? I have with me President Putin who just told me that Russia has nothing to do with the case and I do not see why she should have done it. I want to see the server. What happened to the servers of the Pakistani gentleman who worked at the DNC? Where are these servers? He. What happened to Hillary Clinton's e-mails? 33,000 emails have disappeared, have disappeared. There was no Russian collusion, I simply beat Hillary Clinton. "

Trump:" Intelligence and the witch hunt "

Trump denied his intelligence community about Russian interference in the 2016 presidential elections The US president has little consideration for the badysts, spies and officials of the 17 US intelligence agencies.This mistrust comes from erroneous US intelligence badessments, still emphasized by Trump, about the war in Iraq.Trump thinks the same mistakes were made about the findings of 39 possible Russian meddling in the presidential elections.) According to the US president, the national intelligence, the NSA, the CIA and the FBI have been dragged into a meaningless witch hunt For Senator John McCain, "the press was one of the most shameful interpretations of an American president. "

" The damage caused by ingenuity, "he said. goïsme, false equivalence and sympathy of President Trump for autocrats are difficult to calculate, but it is clear that the top of & # 39; Helsinki was a tragic mistake. "

John Brennan, former director of the CIA, said that" Trump's comments were disappointing because of an unacceptable offense. "However, the strongest statement comes from the director of national intelligence (whose office oversaw the badessment of Russian intelligence), Dan Coats, who was forced to respond to his own commander-in-chief

.The Russian interference in the 2016 elections and their ongoing and ubiquitous efforts to weaken our democracy, we will continue to provide clear and objective information in support of our national security. " A few hours after the end of the Helsinki press conference, the Justice Ministry announced the arrest of a Russian woman accused of attempting to influence US policy. on behalf of the Russian government through its links with the National Rifle Association.

It should be recalled that the United States Government denies any legal recognition of the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation and continues to provide anti-tank missiles to Ukraine. The United States continues to rebuild its military position in Europe, Poland and the Baltic States to provide a credible deterrent against Russia. Under the tumult of Trump's disruptive statements in Europe, close ties remain between the armed forces, intelligence agencies and civil society groups on both sides of the Atlantic.

The President of the United States has no weaknesses

] Like any high-level meeting, Trump has certainly been subjected to brief preparatory sessions with ideas to discuss.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the White House had planned for Trump "a confrontational approach" for the Helsinki press conference. Trump improvised and obeyed. During his blitzkrieg in Europe, Trump issued warnings and accusations against his NATO military allies (which to this day continues to exist only because he identifies Russia as the only country in the world). main enemy). The man Donald Trump, the man who tried to split the transatlantic alliance and insulted German Angela Merkel, remained in Brussels.

In Finland, Trump turned to Putin with Spanish respect, forgetting that together Russia (together in China) is considered to be the main enemy of the Pentagon's national defense strategy. he himself signed and approved. In short, what was embarrbading in Helsinki was not the content of Trump's statements (the most important topics in Congress), but his weakness alongside Putin, the inability Action of the President of the States

Trump, who jealously guards his image, has proved unable to challenge each statement of Putin. Trump climbed on this scene accusing the United States of Russian aggression. The US president should have better exploited this showcase, considering Russia as responsible for the 2016 interference and issuing a strong warning on future elections. And these positions could be expressed with force, respect, firmness and authority instead of mentioning the victory over Hillary Clinton. Trump's confidence in his diplomatic skills as a businessman for what he himself described as "the easiest part of his guardian in Europe" sanctioned the disaster d & # 39; Helsinki. Trump's attitude will be seen in Russia as a sign of weakness and will be exploited for the first official summit. Once on board the Air Force One, Trump attempted to lower his shot for his intelligence

"As I said today and well on other occasions before, I have great confidence in my intelligence.building a better future, we can not just focus on the past.The two largest nuclear powers in the world have to hear. "

The symbolic leadership of the President of the United States is an existential question. Trump is no longer a businessman but the leader of the free world. And the president of the United States can not stand on the side of the country that, according to his intelligence, attacked him.

The White House, to date, has not been able to explain Trump's confidence in Putin. ] Yalta 2.0? No, a simple meeting

Two leaders who meet face to face with the aim of reversing a long term bilateral relationship. Trump respects Putin. Respect his strength. Attitude totally antipodal compared to what a few days ago with the "allies" of NATO. As he himself said: "I've never called him an opponent, but a good competitor and I think that's a compliment". Helsinki was not a Yalta 2.0 for Putin, but got the respect of the leader of the United States. The estimate of this same head of government who continues to expel Russian officials, increase sanctions and sell anti-tank missiles in Ukraine. The Russian-American dialogue should be re-established and supported on a number of issues related to the maintenance of strategic stability. What happened inside the Finnish presidential palace was a historic meeting with a view to an official summit. It remains to be seen whether the meeting will produce concrete results. The events of yesterday could have significant and unpredictable political and geopolitical repercussions in the United States and around the world.

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