The innovations were introduced by the 2018 Regional Simplification Act. This has accepted other amendments introduced by the League, such as the Enabling Examination, which can be claimed at an early age. 17 years old (but not older than 18 years), even if the rifle license must be held at the age of majority, the creation of a card that will be sent to the applicant's home, the annotation of the rulers as well as measuring and calculating the distance between huts and buildings.
Milan, animal activists besiege the Pirellone: "The hunters of badbadins and those who authorize them"
Also accepted an amendment of the regional councilor of agriculture, Fabio Rolfi, which introduces the obligation to wear jackets and hats in highly visible colors for those who practice wild boar hunting. For the Commissioner, this means "less bureaucracy and fewer constraints for hunters who have a fundamental activity for the Lombard ecosystem with responsibility". And since the law is an important concession to the world of hunters, Riolfi confirms it: "We have listened to the demands of the hunting world and the bodies in charge of control".
A little less than two months ago, the Lega was beaten in the Pirellone's clbadroom on two proposals to grant derogations from chaffinch hunting and the use of hunting nets for the birds.
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