Hypotheses Ferrovie dello Stato 2018: new jobs for train drivers and not only, appointments begin


State Railways badume machinists and captains. The group is pursuing the growth plan which is expected to continue until 2026. In the meantime, a maximum recruitment campaign has been launched for train drivers and masters, which should lead to the recruitment of 500 units in the year. As we have said, FS is committed to hiring thousands of people by 2026 and already this year and in 2019 we expect many insertions to encourage staff turnover. close to retirement. In addition to train drivers and captains, the group should also employ 900 maintenance and traffic workers, in short it is a very important plan that will affect the world of work.

Ferrovie dello Stato works with us, the positions sought

At this time, there are several figures sought by the FS group. The posts of working consultant in Florence are open for which applicants are required with degree in law or economics, knowledge of English, Zucchetti payroll system and experience in the field. at least 2 years in the sector. We are also seeking document application system operators in Rome for graduates in science subjects and knowledge of the operation of the database management system

Interesting Opportunities for machinists in Milan . Applicants must have the Community License for the conduct of trains and B2 Supplementary Certificate, diploma, train training and vehicle verification, experience of at least a year in the activity of driving vehicles. The application can be sent before July 24, after which candidates will have to face technical and professional interviews.

Researcher also looking for verification and validation activities in Rome, for which they are preferable graduates in Electronics, Electrical or Electrical Engineering, 3 years experience as designers, English language skills and ISO 9001 quality management systems and ISO 17020. The application can be sent before July 22.

Other positions to be filled at Ferrovie dello Stato: Accountants and Surveyors, D.L.GS 231 Specialist in Bari and Budget Specialist and Head of Organizational Development, also in Bari, for these positions, until 18 July.

How to apply

All applications with Ferrovie dello Stato can be sent directly by connecting to the Ferrovie dello Stato page working with us, it is also possible to download your resume for a self-application as we are have emphasized several times.

See also: State Railways Recruitment 2018: Jobs for Graduates and Permanent Graduates

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