Hypotheses Ferrovie dello Stato 2018, permanent positions throughout Italy


Continue the plan Recruitment of Ferrovie dello Stato thanks also to developments of the Group determined by the recent merger with Anas, the entity that takes care of the maintenance of a much of the road and motorway network in Italy. The latest job offers from the largest Italian railway company relate primarily to the research of train drivers, accountants and surveyors at various locations of Group companies throughout the world. 39; Italy. See below the details of the requirements for the next Recruitment 2018 .

State Railways, Experts in the Recruitment of Machinists 2018

State Railways Launched a Recruitment Campaign [VIDEO] for 500 Train Drivers will be hired by 2018 to encourage the renewal of staff to retire from the second half of 2019 and for the policy of developing commercial offerings along national and international roads.

To be able to apply for this position is required to obtain a high school diploma, the possession of a community license to train the trains in the role of machinist and the complementary certificate B2 related, in addition to the experience of at least a year of work in the post. 19659008] The selection procedures provide for the pbading of aptitude tests, a technical and professional interview and an otivazionale, in addition to the verification of the material conditions necessary for the accomplishment of the tasks planned for the role. Researcher

Candidates who pbad the selection will be hired for an indefinite period at Mercitalia Rail based in Milan and for this reason, residence in the Lombardy region will be considered as a preferential requirement

Questions can be sent via the "Working with us" section of the Ferrovie dello Stato site by selecting the entry "Ricerche in Corso"

Assumptions investigators and accountants Ferrovie dello Stato

in progress [VIDEO] on the site of Ferrovie dello Stato also refers to the recruitment procedure concerning:

  • arpent who will be responsible for the management of the cadastre, the management of real estate leases, the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance and the legal and administrative protection of properties,
  • accountants, who will have to manage the processes of personnel administration and related to the accounting, the tax obligations and the management of the tax badessments.

In addition to the qualifications of the professions involved in the research, To be able to apply, a prior experience of 2/5 years is required and, for the surveyors, a qualification to practice.

Applications may be sent before the deadline of August 13 and candidates who pbad the selection tests will be hired with permanent employment contracts in the offices of Turin, Verona, Venice , Bologna, Florence, Rome, Naples of the company Ferservizi spa.

This article has been verified with:

  • https://siv-recruiting.gruppofs.it/hcmcv/RecruitmentWeb2/CznWfResearch.asp?FNT=0&PRV=0&FUNID=5006038&LANGID=1040&ISM=N&FRM=G
  • https://www.investireoggi.it/en / badumptions-railways-of-the-state-2018-new-jobs-places-for-drivers-and-not-only-for-applications /

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