Hyundai would be ready to take control of FCA – Mondo Auto


Some unconfirmed sources would tell Asia Times that Hyundai would be willing to bid for the purchase of FCA at any time from now on and anyway before the shareholders' meeting in May 2019, when Marchionne will step down as CEO and the shares should suffer.

The key man of the transaction would be Paul Singer, head of Elliott Management, owner of an equal billion dollar stake and among others, one of the major shareholders of Tim. On the part of Hyundai, however, there seems to be no confirmation: spokesman Jim Trainor neither confirm nor deny, just do not comment on the news

As reported by the Sole 24 Ore, at the presentation of the 39, Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 team Marchionne he had stated that a collaboration with Hyundai already existed: " We buy them components, including transmissions that we use in America. other points of agreement, particularly on the development of transmissions and hydrogen or "

merger between FCA and Hyundai was qualified as" intriguing "by the Sun's 24 hours for various reasons, including Hyundai's excellent financial position and multi-sectoral nature, which has access to advanced technologies and raw materials at home (Hyundai Steel), not to mention the platforms last generation and green solutions. A merger with FCA and its prestigious brands could lead the two groups to become one of the world's leading manufacturers

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