"I am like the mafia" The dignity of the decree kills work


Rome – A threat hangs over the system of Italian companies. His name is Luigi Di Maio, Minister of Labor and Economic Development, who, with his decree Dignità, is trying to undermine the freedom to do business by creating greater constraints to limit the use of flexible work, make cuts more sever to the advertising of the legal game. And as if all that was not enough, he even attacked credit institutions by comparing them to organized crime. "The mafia is an attitude before being a criminal organization and we see a mafia attitude not only in criminal organizations but also in banks because there are awards that recognize the wear and tear" , he said. Heavy words that lead to question once again the opportunity for the Lega di Matteo Salvini to continue to ally with the political leader of a force clearly hostile to the productive sectors that vote Carroccio. And this has already made it clear that they want to retouch pension checks (annuities are the first step) to fund the well-being of citizenship income. And yesterday Salvini was at the Palio of Siena, far from the Council of Ministers who examined the decree of dignity

The purpose of the decree approved last night is the pbading of the law on employment through the war on precarious contracts. Never has the statement been more daring since Istat yesterday certified an unemployment rate at the lowest level since 2012 and sustained job growth, even though annual contracts prevail. "The more he dismantle the law on employment, the more he will have the opportunity to experience the brilliant intuition of the income of citizenship: a democratic republic based on subsidies", commented the former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. Cui Di Maio replied piqued: "Today, we have marked a record of precariousness". This is why in the Decree of Dignity there is a rule that discourages "wild" layoffs with a 50% increase in compensation that can even reach 36 monthly installments. A similar rule, intended by the Left Pd, the CGIL and the Bersani, was removed by the 2018 Finance Act.

Similarly, the decree included a standard to reduce the maximum duration of contracts to terms, 36 months in progress (without reason) up to a maximum of 12 months that can be renewed for an additional 12 months after the indication of the reason for payment. Confirmed both the reduction of the extension (from 5 to 4) futures and the increase of social security contributions by 0.5 percentage point for each renewal from the first. These resources will finance the Naspi. Out of about 3 million futures contracts, 900,000 will expire in August, those that could be affected by the new rules very penalizing. However, the ban on the use of leasing staff has been removed, but the limit of 20% of fixed-term contracts could prevent agency workers from operating.

Faced with this stubbornness to work flexibly, poverty relief measures for businesses and professionals. The spésomètre has not been removed, but the conditions of sending the data for the quarterly and semiannual communications will be postponed until February 28, 2019. The splitting (VAT deducted by the AP and paid to the 39 State in payments to suppliers) is only abolished for professionals, while for profitability only a general "revision" is engaged. No automatic compensation of credits and debts to the public administration. Lastly, fines and the obligation of return incentives (including those of industry 4.0) for companies that move within five years of receiving grants. The absolute prohibition of advertising for sites and betting companies is confirmed except for existing contracts and for national lotteries. "A bluff," Forza Italia's comment, which bans disposal as a deterrent to investment. Instead, the silence of the League is eloquent.

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