"I decided, Marra was only the executor testament"


Appointment, Rays questioned: "Marra executed my directive"

The mayor Virginia Raggi keep the point: "I would do everything that I did." Raffaele Marra on the appointment of his brother Renato had no decision-making power: he limited himself to executing my directive.

She defended herself during the process of interrogation at trial to have been charged with false documents for the promotion of senior Marra, in the fall of 2016, head of the tourism department of Campidoglio. The confrontation with the prosecutors lasted more than three hours: the mayor defended his work in the procedure of interpellation – even the rotation of the executives – which led to the appointment of the macro-structure of the management of the Capitol administration.

"Raffaele Marra had no decision-making power," Raggi told the Monocratic Judge, "He only limited himself to signing an act and therefore did not need any m & # 39; 39; abstain ". A reconstruction that joins what she had written in December 2016 to the head of anti-corruption Campidoglio, Maria Rosa Turchi, who had in turn received a report from the AAC.

"On this choice was not raised any exceptions by the same Turchi, this act was formally perfect.Materally, I do not remember who wrote this letter, I think it was my secretary", at- he declares. Per Raggi "when Anac advanced his clarifications by specifically asking what was the role played by Marra in the appointment of his brother, I did not bother to conduct specific investigations.After all, I I am not an investigator.I think it was common knowledge that the Marra were brothers and that, if the order of appointment had not been favorable to the Turks, I should have say, mayor, do not sign, we have to find a mechanism, this thing has not been represented.

However, Raggi badures that "even today, we would rewrite the same thing," even though he admitted to having learned only later, "when I was interrogated in the office of the Attorney, at the meeting between former advisor Adriano Meloni, the staff manager Antonio De Santis and Raffaele Marra in which he named Brother Renato ". And again: "Meloni immediately took the paternity of Renato Marra's choice and even defended it after the case reached the press."

During the interrogation, the first city reconstructed the different phases of his relationship with the former chief of staff. "At first, Marra was very confident because he was a great expert of the administrative machine," said prosecutor Paolo Ielo. I met him during the 2016 election campaign. Everything started to change when information about alleged court problems related to certain homes began to emerge. I had to remove Marra even though relations with him were good. My advisors suggested me to propose it and he did not take the fact that he had been appointed head of human resources. "

Attention is now turning to the hearing of 9 November when the former chief of staff of the municipality, Carla Romana Raineri, is heard as evidence to the contrary and, with her denunciation, opens the door. ;investigation. The hearing will focus exclusively on relations between the mayor and Raffaele Marra during the phases preceding the inquiry process. The next day, November 10, is expected the sentence that could mark the political destiny of the Capitol.

Last updated: 19:41 © RESERVED COPY

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