"I will review the project on alternation with work"


"I have the intention to review the project, highlighting the essential and indispensable elements in the perspective of orientation to the world of work and university, but by addressing the salient aspects: total number of hours, types of projects, links with companies ". The Minister of Education, Marco Bussetti, said yesterday at a hearing in the Senate. "It is absolutely important that the school is closer to the students," added the owner of Viale Trastevere, noting that "the ministry will follow the innovation process also by virtue of the fact that our elementary students will enter in September out of the training system around 2030 ", so," we will pay attention to the new languages ​​and leave room for innovations in every sector. "

Speaking of law 107 of 2015 which made compulsory alternation between school and work, the Minister noted that it was "a mbadive and intentional imposition but without instruments," thus generating "confusion and unequal management between schools and the different realities in which the different projects of alternation developed. With the result of following the path of alternation
rather than seize the potential directors. "

" We will proceed to the revision of the evaluation system of teachers and school principals. It is important […] that there are clear, transparent and shared criteria on the badessment of the merit of teachers avoiding any form of discretionary evaluation, "continues Bussetti
" As for teachers – he stressed – has already been signed agreement on the merit award of the current school year. 80% will be awarded on the basis of teaching staff of the school and 20% on the basis of factors of complexity and exposure to educational risk.

For school principals, on the other hand, "I have the intention to revise the evaluation system which, without any form of incentive, is a prerequisite essential to improving management work ". The Minister then explained that "it is also necessary to intervene on the process of valuing teachers and school directors
by introducing objective criteria, shared and truly measurable". And all this, he added, because "Law 107 provides for the evaluation of teachers and managers, but without objective criteria and without the necessary structural, mandatory and qualitatively necessary training, both for teachers and for teachers. for heads of school ". "As part of the planning of school construction interventions, we look closely at the realities of Southern Italy, also thanks to the possibility of allocating, in addition to national resources, the structural funds reserved for the regions in question. developmental delay ". said the owner of the Miur, speaking of the programmatic lines of his dicastery. Likewise, continued the Minister, "in the 2018-2020 triennial national program, we paid particular attention to second-level secondary schools, guaranteeing, in the criteria for the allocation of resources, specific reservations in favor of secondary schools. provinces themselves ". ] © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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