Ignoring the best nomination of Cdp and Rai, Salvini: "I did not know anything"


Postponed to July 24 the appointment of the new board of Cbada Depositi e Prestiti. This is what the general meeting of shareholders has established today. "The problem is not there are differences on appointments: the CDP is a key tool for national policy has strategic importance and so we think well not to be wrong" had declared to the the day before the summit Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. At stake are the presidents of the CEO and CEO of the company. but the agreement, it is clear, is still far away. On Tuesday, when Economy Minister Giovanni Tria will return from the G20 in Buenos Aires, the Council of Ministers could also close the Rai match. The government must choose two representatives for the council of the public television, because this count had summoned at the beginning of the afternoon a meeting with the vice-prime minister Matteo Salvini and Luigi Di Maio and with Tria, in charge of name the names. White smoke instead for the election of the eight members of the Appointment Csm, after the 16 elected last week by magistrates: Alberto Maria Benedetti and Filippo Donati (the M5 names, chosen with online voting), Fulvio Gigliotti, Stefano Cavanna and Emanuele Basile (Lega), Alessio Lanzi, Michele Cerabona and David Ermini

Salvini: "I do not know"

But at the Palazzo Chigi alone Tria introduced himself, Salvini declares that 39; he had never been aware meeting: "I did not know that he had been summoned, I do not even know that he was sentenced – he says -. I'm not the one who summons them, and it's not me that bothers them, but if the summit is not there anymore, I'll gladly go for it, for me the day was linear " . "I'm not the record, I ask others, I can not be of great help on these things," replies the Interior Minister to reporters' questions about new black smoke and if the former vice president of Bei Dario Scannapieco, close to Mario Draghi, is now out of the game after the no of the M5S

Pd: "Well that Tria does not dictate the names"

"The Minister Tria does not want to be dictated appointments by Di Maio and Salvini? It is good to ask for the respect of the law and its prerogatives, it is good not to want to meet the two vice-first to talk about partition and subdivision, "said MP Michele Anzaldi. "We will see from the names that will be proposed for the Cdp and Rai if Conte and the boss of the Economy prove to be truly independent and respect the law, for example on the president of the public service guarantee", at- he continued. "The disorder of the summit of Palazzo Chigi – written on Facebook Anzaldi summoned first, then convulsed and eventually even disowned by its own participants, the same who had probably even asked, is yet another confirmation of the weakness of the Idea is of a government with two vice-premieres who both feel prime minister without being. "

The names

The record is also complicated by the cap of 240,000 euros, if this were to be confirmed, which discourages managers. Bring home the four directors of the Rai Council, the discussion on state television remains open even for the presidency: can go Giovanna Bianchi Clerici, close to the League, but the name is not armored and M5s conditions the agreement to an agreement on "Ad." Then, further, he will also deal with network and tg directors. For Ferrovie dello Stato, Giuseppe Bonomi is in pole position near the Lega, with a mandate to block the merger with Anas

19 July 2018 (modification of 19 July 2018 | 21:45)


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