Ilva, 10 years of jobs without loss of employees: Ruhr model for Taranto


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While the Ilva di Taranto opens a new chapter of its infinite telenovela, it is not a mystery that Beppe Grillo, the founder and now Guarantor of the M5S dream of a totally green future for the area that houses the largest steel mill in Europe.

To recover the Ilva and make the beautiful Gulf of Taranto "a wonderful thing with renewable energy technologies" Grillo suggests to watch the example of the conversion of the German Ruhr , where "they have not demolished, have recovered." Strategic mining basin since 1800 with the advent of the industrial revolution, the Ruhrgebiet, in North Rhine-Westphalia, with its 5.3 Million inhabitants spread over 4,535 square kilometers, for a density approaching 1,200 inhabitants per square kilometer is one of the largest urban areas in Europe (it comprises 53 cities).

  Ruhr "height = "290" src = " ruhr40.jpg" title = "Ruhr" width = "400" /> 
<p>  With the decline <strong> of The coal industry </strong> between the 70s and the 80s of the last century, the future of the Ruhr seemed compromised to the is from an environmental and economic point of view. Instead, the region between 1990 and 2000 was the protagonist of the big project of reconversion and reconversion in Europe: <strong> with about 2.5 billion euros of European, state and regional funding, the courses water were restored, secured and reconverted the 142 mines </strong> (those of Zollverein, in Essen, were declared in 2011 by the UNESCO World Heritage Site) of which up to 120 million tons of coal were extracted per year, transformed into green public industrial areas decommissioned, improved services with the creation of new bike paths, museums, universities, schools and theaters. </p>
<div clbad=  ruhr3 "height =" 290 "src =" static / upl2018_restyle / ruhr / ruhr317.jpg "title =" ruhr3 "width =" 400 "/> 
<p>  To succeed in the work the regional government established a special consultative body, <em><strong>   International Bauausstellung Emscher Park Srl </strong></em> without legal-legal power but with the function of promoting dialogue <strong> and the comparison between social groups and subjects of the industrial sector </strong>as well as within its coordinating committee were representatives of the region, individual communes, professional badociations of architects, engineers and landscape architects [19659010] life at the Emscher Regional Park which today covers <strong> an area of ​​about 320 square kilometers </strong> (just over 7% of the total), <strong> connects 17 municipalities </strong> (one third of the total) and that is <strong> which can be traveled by bike </strong>. The result is even more meritorious when we consider that <em> International Bauausstellung Emscher Park </em> has never had more than an annuity of employees, including an executive director and six part-time scientific directors </strong>. 19659004] Ruhr4 "height =" 290 "src =" "title =" Ruhr4 "width =" 400 "/> 
<p>  The secret of success is, according to many experts, <strong> having abandoned the ambition to plan and direct the claim </strong> and to have chosen <strong> to limit itself to coordinating the different subjects that operated in the same </strong> Talking about what they were doing, as early as 1999 <strong> Wolfgang Pent and Karl Ganser </strong> project leaders, said, "Iba was structured as a consulting agency. indicated directions to which initiatives could develop.He may have set goals, provided knowledge, played the role of public relations, but planning is something that he has never done. " </p>
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<p>  The virtuous example of the Ruhr also saw <strong> a significant recovery of jobs that otherwise would have simply been lost as a result of the crisis of the sector </strong> thanks to <strong> new construction or recovery of abandoned buildings to install commercial parks and technology parks </strong> </p>
<p>  After more than 25 years since the beginning of this claim, the number of people employed in the Ruhr returned to <strong> equal to those who worked there in 1997, when mines and iron and steel still worked </strong> <strong>  Will Di Maio and the 5-star Movement succeed in following a example so virtuous and positive? </strong> </p>
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  Rurh2 "height =" 290 "src =" http: / / "title =" Rurh2 "width =" 400 "/> [19659005Itisonlytobehopedpartlybecauseoftheexceptionalcase<strong> of the Ruhr is not unique </strong>: also <strong> Bilbao </strong> in Portugal, and <strong> Pittsburgh </strong> In America, they have managed to transform the steel areas into a crisis and with a heavy legacy of industrial pollution, involving the territory and the best available skills, without wasting public money. Money: Grillo suggested using for the reclbadification of the Tarantino group the "about 2.2 billion euros that were placed in a fund when Europe was called Czech" (<em> European Community by the Coal and Steel Companies, nd </em>) "specifically for the retirement of tired work and for the claim ". </p>
<p>  <em> Luca Spoldi </em></p>
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