Ilva, a glimmer suggests a resumption of negotiation


Today, new episode of the Ilva case. A seemingly endless story that lasted six years, from the moment when the Riva family's leadership on the largest Italian steel group went into crisis. Or for more than a year, if we start from the moment the Italian government, then a center-left executive headed by Paolo Gentiloni, announced that AM InvestCo Italy, the team created by the French-Indian giant ArcelorMittal, had won the international competition for the acquisition of "Ilva group business complexes under extraordinary administration".
An episode, it must be said immediately, of which no substantial change has been made to the content of the triangular negotiation between the government, the buying company and the unions, but in which the scheme even of the relationship between the parties took on a new structure. And this, at least at first glance, is certainly not a small change.
What do we want to say? The point is this. In June 2017, after the Commissioners – at the beginning of the year 2015 the Ilva Group's Extraordinary Administration had been entrusted to him – judged that the offer presented by AM InvestCo was preferable to that made by Acciaitalia, the consortium built by the Indian group Jindal South West Group, a first phase of negotiation had begun between the winning company, AM InvestCo, and the Extraordinary Commissioners. The commissioners to whom the Minister of Economic Development of the time, Carlo Calenda, had entrusted the task of obtaining a significant improvement of the aspects of the business plan presented by AM InvestCo Italy itself.
Now, this first phase of bargaining ended with a partial victory of the commissioners, who had obtained that AM InvestCo raised from 8,500 to 10,000 the number of workers employed in the Ilva group that would have been summed up by the new property. Partial victory because, of course, 1500 more employees are already something. However, it remains that about 4,000 of the 14,200 workers currently employed by the Ilva group would not have had some employment prospects before them. Hence the harsh criticism of the unions that immediately proposed to prevent the change of ownership resulting in layoffs.
And it is precisely from this moment that what we have defined as the second phase of the negotiations of the case is open. He goes. A phase that began in July 2017 and lasted until the end of April 2018, when the unions were confronted with the winning company, become a buying company, while the government badumed, of A super partes position, a mediated function
Turning news to geometry, one could say that the negotiation had taken a bilateral form, with the unions on one side, and the acquiring company the other way around. other, while the government, placed above the playing field, self-badigned a role is not to be a referee, but rather a facilitator of the desired agreement. And this also because the government, in fact, had already exercised, through the intermediary of the Commissioners, its role as a party to the case. Role that had a concrete role in the definition of the sales contract of Ilva Group's business complexes, etc., to AM InvestCo Italy.
Well, the news of today, or at least the novelty seen today, is that trading, as mentioned above, has changed its structure, coming to badume this triangular form which, until now, has never had completely. This is because the new government, the one in which Luigi Di Maio himself has occupied himself in addition to the position of Vice-President of the Council, also that of Minister, with Labor and Economic Development, seems to want to badume the role a third party that is not deployed a priori neither with the purchasing company, nor with the unions. In doing so, he reopens the games in one way or another.
It was already understood in the middle of the afternoon when, around 16:30, the leaders of the metalworkers' unions were coming out of the big door of the Ministry of Economic Development. placed at the corner between Via Veneto and via Molise
In fact, both Fiom and Uilm came up with words of appreciation for the position expressed by the young minister pentastellato at the meeting that & # # # He had today with the unions and lasted a little over two hours. "We agree with the minister when he says that the company must change its position," said Francesca Re David, IMF general secretary. "What we are waiting for, and the minister has confirmed to us today, is a strong government intervention against ArcelorMittal," said Rocco Palombella, Secretary General of UILM. He further stated that "trading with AM InvestCo can only restart from different conditions", ie "on the basis of full employment" compared to "all workers."
Verbally more cautious, but at least apparently placed on this line Later, Di Maio himself was shown later when, around 19:00, he also appeared on the steps connecting the ministerial door to the sidewalk Via Veneto. After receiving the unions, the biministro also had an interview with representatives of ArcelorMittal. And this during a meeting that he himself, speaking to reporters who had patiently waited on the sidewalk, called "cordial".
What is the line developed on Ilva by the current government? ? Regarding the projects presented at the time by AM InvestCo Italy, Di Maio said that "the environmental plan and the professional plan are not satisfactory". The government therefore expects the company's "strong improvement". Or, "at least", "a few steps forward".
Regarding especially the environmental plan, Di Maio reiterated a formula that he has already used, namely that the inhabitants of Taranto "must be able to breathe". The business – to what was understood amidst the background noise of a street that at that time is usually very busy – would have already submitted to the government changes to its original plans. Changes which will be the subject of a careful examination in which the Extraordinary Commissioners will be able to call upon the cooperation of the technicians provided by MISE
Regarding the professional aspects of the business plan , Di Maio reiterated that, in the opinion of the government of which it is a part, "the figures" are not satisfactory. In short, with regard to this decisive knot of history, nothing new would be sketched out yet. That is, the company would always stop at the project to sum up only 10 thousand of the 14 thousand employees of the former group Ilva.
So what? Then the minister showed that he was aware that, as declared by Marco Bentivogli, general secretary of the FIM-ICFT in the middle of the afternoon, "it is necessary to find solutions as soon as possible". Where "as soon as possible", according to the terms of Maio biministro, means "here in July".
Okay, so what? Up to a point. From a certain point of view, in fact, the picture was a little rebadured. Bentivogli himself claimed to have asked Di Maio, also in his capacity as Vice-President of the Council, to "definitively answer" Ilva's future. A claim that, according to Bentivogli himself, Di Maio would not have "directly responded", but only indirectly, indicating that "the fact that he deals with ArcelorMittal means that he continues to work for that Ilva to produce steel ". Translating from the union-politichese into current Italian, this should mean that while the 5-star extra-parliamentary leader MoVement, or Beppe Grillo, had gone so far as to say that instead of Ilva di Taranto , he would have seen a playground, Di Maio would have abandoned any environmental extremism, to redeem himself to try to keep alive a Ilva cured and therefore respectful of the environment. On the other hand, Di Maio himself also reiterated to reporters, who were crammed into the evening on the outside staircase of the Mise, who works "360 gredi" for "improvement" of AM's environmental and professional plans. Investco Italy
There remains, however, in the background, a problem, for the moment, unresolved. On the legal side, ArcelorMittal can probably claim to have already defined, with the previous Italian government, a contract of purchase always perfectly valid. And if, in political terms, want to work in Italy, he seems to want to find a compromise "more advanced" with the current government.
But it is legitimate to ask: ArcelorMittal's industrial plans, imagined from the knowledge of a global scenario as complex as today is that of steel, Will it extend their effects on employment to meet the expectations of the unions or, at least, of the government? The following, if not the answer, to the next episode.


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