Ilva, Arcelor Mittal wants to accelerate environmental plans on Taranto. Di Maio: "Not enough"


There is no official reaction of Arcelor Mittal to the summit with the minister Luigi Di Maio on Ilva. No press release of the multinational who won the Ilva in June 2017 after a contest launched by the commissioners. Neither Mittal commented on Di Maio's request to strengthen and improve the commitments made both with the environmental plan and with the industrial plan, in the latter case with regard to employment. Request from the minister instead shared by the metalworkers' unions, with whom Di Maio had confronted before seeing the company. Sources familiar with the matter, however, we learn that Mittal has proposed an acceleration of the calendar of environmental interventions in Di Maio. An acceleration compared to the deadline set by the Dpcm pbaded by the previous government at the end of September, a decree that is in fact the new Integrated Environmental Permission of Ilva

In particular, Mittal pointed out to the Minister that for the cover of the mineral parks, the DPCM provides for the start of work on September 30, 2018 and the conclusion 36 months later, or July 2021, the entrance of Mittal to Ilva on August 1, 2018. In fact, said Mittal, the work started on February 1st last and will end in January 2020, so in 24 months, instead of 36. There is an advance of 8 months at the beginning and an end of at least 18 months months compared to the plan.

Another acceleration on the cover of the coal yards. The end of the works is placed by the Dpcm in the 36 months following the entry of Mittal to Ilva and the conclusion will take place at the end of June 2020. This is reported by sources close to the record, at least 13 months in advance. And again, for the dedusting of the agglomeration plant, the first section according to the DPCM must be equipped with filtration before December 31, 2021 and the second section before August 23, 2023, date of conclusion of all the environmental interventions in Ilva. Instead, with the impressive acceleration of Mittal, the first section will be arranged with the new device by June 31, 2021 and the second on February 23, 2023.

In either case, there is an advance six months compared to the initial roadmap for the investor. Finally, for the blast furnace slag, the Dpcm places the end of the work within 42 months from the entry of Mittal, always placing this one at August 1st, 2018, then at December 31st, 2021. Mittal s & # 39 is rather committed to completing the work within 12 months of the acquisition and, therefore, was presented to the Minister Di Maio, at least 30 months in advance. With this anticipation of several speeches, Mittal believes that he has already given a first response to the requests of Di Maio

In any case, the multinational did not intend to comment on the new statements of the Minister of Finance. Economic development, even if they came from other sources. file we learn that "the meeting with Mittal would have gone wrong" and that the multinational would not have opened openings in relation to the requests made by Di Maio

In fact, the environmental plans and Jobs presented by Arcelor Mittal, for the Minister "they are not satisfactory, we are waiting for proposals for improvement that improve strongly". "On the environmental side, there are novelties, but not exciting, professionally, it's all to see – he added – We need to technically badyze their proposals." One of the prerequisites for restarting the negotiation "is a step further on the professional level, which is still at stake, from the point of view of the guarantees".

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