Ilva, ArcelorMittal: we will improve the plan. Success of Deputy Prime Minister Di Maio


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ArcelorMittal – explains the company in a press release -, during these four years, participated accurately, commitment and dedication to the call for offers for Ilva, managed by its Commissioners under the supervision of the Italian Government. As part of this process, our company has complied in a clear and transparent manner with all the necessary steps, in accordance with Italian and European laws, to sign the binding contract for the acquisition of Ilva. In five years, we will invest at least € 4, 2 billion in Ilva, of which more than 1.15 billion euros to improve its impact and its environmental emissions

The contract also includes commitments on levels and Terms of employment Since then, in June 2017, we signed contract for the rental and purchase of Ilva, and despite the time it took to complete the transaction, we have showed a willingness to accelerate our environmental and industrial investments to revitalize the factories in Ilva as quickly as possible. In meetings with the new Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development and Labor, the Honorable Luigi Di Maio, we discussed additional commitments that could be made.

then worked on improving the environmental and employment plan, which will improve initial commitments and strengthen Ilva's environmental performance and support to local communities. We will present the improvement proposal to the Ministry in the coming days Once agreement is reached on the basis of this project, we are confident that all parties, including the unions, will be satisfied and will be ready to conclude agree quickly. ArcelorMittal's financial resources ensure that our offer for Ilva will rest on solid foundations.

Our strong financial capability, combined with our technical and environmental expertise that does not fear comparisons in the sector, make ArcelorMittal the best guarantor of the future Ilva, which has been suffering for far too long. a lack of investment, there is a lot of work to be done to take over Ilva and carry out its recovery and rebuild an Italian business that the country can be proud of. We are enthusiastic and motivated by this prospect and our teams have been ready for months to start working. We reiterate our commitment to Ilva and the respect of the commitments we have made.

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