New obstacles in the pbadage of the group Ilva by the commissioners of the extraordinary administration to the company Am Investco led by Arcelor Mittal . At the request of the Minister of Economic Development, Luigi Di Maio the Anti-Corruption Authority ( Anac ) was invited to initiate an investigation to verify whether the procedure a year ago that led Am Investco to win the Ilva, beating the competition of Acciaitalia, whether regular or not.
The investigation requested by Di Maio – announced today before the House and Senate Labor and Industry Boards – was created at the request of the Governor of the region of Apulia, Michele Emiliano. Confirming an already-known opposition from the award-winning company, Emiliano asks the minister to have proper verifications on the accuracy of the bidding process, possibly using the 39: ANAC, institution institutionally responsible for supervising and monitoring public procurement procedures. Emiliano, in particular, compares the two offers and argues that the preference given to Am Investco seems incongruous because it is essentially based on the economic offer without taking into account the qualitative aspects of the same offer.
closing spectrum. But Di Maio asks Mittal for more work and environmental commitments
Emiliano recalls that the Acciaitalia consortium, which included Jindal, Cbada Depositi and Prestiti, Arvedi and Del Vecchio, had proposed an environmental plan to be implemented by 2021 with the use of technologies having an impact less environmental as productive cycle decarbonization, a theme on which Emiliano insists for a long time and which was recently revived at a meeting in Brussels with Italian deputies. Another issue raised by the governor of Puglia, strengthening the position of Arcelor Mittal, with effects on the market and competition, following the acquisition of Ilva
Sending documents Anac, not officially commented by the commissioners, n de Mittal, is judged with concern by some actors in history. But the former Minister of Economic Development, Carlo Calenda, who manages both the procedure and the conclusion of the race, says calmly on this point. Any further verification of legality and compliance with rules, welcome comments Calenda. N Di Maio sees for the moment the risk that Mittal be removed from the Ilva operation. I'm talking to Arcelor Mittal right now – the minister says – and with a very frank and honest relationship, we tell ourselves what's wrong and what's wrong. From this point of view, I would like to say that today there are no behaviors or attitudes of the company that threaten these things, indeed.
Last Monday, Di Maio saw Mittal al Mise. And before the entrepreneur, he had met the unions. No mention of the closure of Ilva, indeed the impression obtained by the trade unionists that the minister wants to work for a solution. Certainly, do not confirm the plan inherited from Calenda but bring significant innovations that give a concrete signal. And the news is in the extra effort both environmentally and on the level of employment that Di Maio asked the buyer company. For the job, it is to respond to the demands of the unions, which do not accept the layoffs compared to about 14,000 current employees of Ilva, while for the environmental rehabilitation the Minister, while taking note of the acceleration of the schedule proposed by the investor – with savings of 6 to 30 months on some projects compared to the deadlines of the Dpcm -, asks us to do more . Now, if the distances between the unions and Mittal are not insurmountable in the workplace – the parties were already negotiating before the new government came in – we need to understand where Di Maio wants to set the bar and if this is acceptable to the investor at his business plan. With regard to Emiliano's position, several sources familiar with the case point out that not only the Acciaitalia group no longer exists but that many aspects have already been clarified in this case. year. We prefer Am Investco to Acciaitalia – remember – because it offered more as a purchase price, 1.8 billion against 1.2, so that Acciaitalia tries a last-minute raise to 1,850 conclusion for the Calenda because it is out of maximum delay. On the job, then, Acciaitalia ensured lower wages, the commitment to decarbonization was not short but placed at a later stage, and as for the position in Europe, the knot was already dissolved from Brussels. In early May, after a very detailed investigation, Am Investco did the acquisition of Ilva on the condition that Mittal has factories and related production capabilities in Europe to avoid disrupting the market and competition. Slimming treatment accepted by Mittal
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