"The attacks are part of the game," he says in an interview with messenger Marcello Foa, the reporter said as chairman Rai, but "I did not ask anything, I'm not bothered, I have never been to a palace "
" I am always amazed that they thought, unanimously, to do my name, "says from Greece where he is on vacation:" Do you know how I learned the news? I was in the middle of the sea last Thursday .phone took and did not take it.A moment I can talk, Hello? Here is the battery from the Ministry of Interior, says a voice from Rome and adds: they are looking for everyone.He then explains that he spoke to the Prime Minister, who told him about his indication of the government. "[19659003Herespondedtotheattacksbysaying"TheydescribemeasBeelzebubofcoursetheydonotknowmeIamthemostpaciosotypeoftheworldarealjournalistIdonotknowwhattheyare9tooffendanyoneInstitutionsarenot""thereisalotofnoiseButtherewillbenoproblems"
" I would like to renew Rai and bring him back to his former glory, "he says, and again:" I have always admitted that I am above all a journalist, I have this wonderful profession in the blood, and now then my pbadion will be exerted even more, but to allow Rai's colleagues to work in the best way. "
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