"Immigration is not an emergency". The intervention of Minniti on the sheet "against the factory of fear"


"The heart of the problem is that the equation between the word immigration and the word, in fact, is now accepted even in communication that plays a key role on this subject." But immigration "is not an emergency". Thus began the long article by Marco Minniti, former Minister of the Interior and predecessor of Matteo Salvini at Viminale, published today by Il Foglio. According to Minniti, "it's not enough to blame those who cry no more now." The left understood belatedly that a crucial match in the relationship with the voters was being played. "

" Modern societies are traversed by two feelings, anger and fear, which invests the weakest realities, "writes Minniti, according to whom" the idea of ​​urgency conveys the idea that it is a cyclical phenomenon, of this moment, which must be approached on the drum. counter productive. "

" In 2017, about 20 thousand repatriations were made ", recalls the former owner of the Viminale." Beyond that, the program on which we focused is the widespread welcome, c & # 39; 39, ie the overtaking of major reception centers. The spread, the spraying of immigrants on the territory, eliminates the ghetto effect and reduces the fears of the people "

" The paradox of Italian nationalism ", according to the former minister, is as follows:" If each nation elevates its boundary, this boundary becomes an element of identification, but also insurmountable in practice, of the absolute lack of communication. more than with France, we will have them with Austria and with the Visegrad blockade. "

For Minniti, another" type of migration is possible. "In Libya a model was built between us, them and the nations A protocol was signed from a UN-controlled center for welcome migrants, checking who has the right and who is not responsible for protection in Europe.The pattern of hot spots there does not work

it is virtually impossible to change the Dublin Treaty which for Italy, is a true Nesso shirt, and then, on the one hand, what interests us the most becomes voluntary, on the other hand the one that worries us the most remains obligatory. [19659007] (function (d, s, id) {
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