"Immigration is not the main problem in Italy"


The commander Gregorio De Falco the hero of the night of the tragic sinking of the Costa Concordia in January 2012, comes back to heavily attack the line of the government of the league and the Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini on immigration .

The commander, elected to Parliament with the 5 Star Movement, does so with a Facebook post published late Saturday morning. A post in which uses very sharp and striking tones. "The terrible fate that too many people meet at sea can only outrage and sadden consciences, but the related issue of immigration certainly does not represent the main problem of Italy d & # 39; aujourd & # 39; hui. Falco – neither from an economic point of view, nor from a social point of view, nor because of the specificity of internal security Those who are convinced otherwise are victims of a error caused by a fake representation of reality "

Words that can not be interpreted as a direct attack and not too veiled to these (otherwise prevalent) components of the government majority that of contrast with the immigration made the main flag of the legislature.

De Falco spoke on Facebook after the controversial comments appeared under another article published a few days ago, in which Senator Grillino relaunched an interview with Ista All Admiral Pettorino Navy, in which he remembers the sacred duty of "helping anyone who risks losing his life at sea".

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