Immigration, to Ghat the first camps after the Italy-Libya agreement


It will be the city of Ghat south of Libya near the border with Algeria the 'first region where they will be equipped Fields of the Libyan Border Guard "whose creation was discussed over the past two days by the Mixed Commission Italy-Libya for the contrast to Irregular Immigration . ] Libyan Navy spokesman Ayyub Qasem

The Italo-Libyan Commission "met over the past two days to discuss the situation in the areas Libyan South in coordination with the Border Guard declares Qasem declaring that the meeting, held at Tripoli corresponds to "a series of meetings "

Also present at the meeting were" various exhibitors of the bodies in charge of immigration ", Qasem added, emphasizing that the parties considered" the support to the fields of the border guard and their equipment, so that this device can work The spokesman then emphasizes that "the city of Ghat was chosen as the first of the areas" to equip these fields since it is a "border area", adding that "an agreement was also reached with the mayor and the Ghat Notables to support the Commission."

"In the next period the Commission will visit the "place," Reveals again Qasem recalling that "by October, Italy will deliver to Coast Guard two boats and 12 inflatable boats in the month of October ".

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