In 2016, total revenues of municipalities decreased by 6.1%


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In 2016, the total audited revenue of municipal governments, amounting to 81.325 billion euros, decreased by 6.1% compared to 2015. Reports Istat, explaining that the expenses incurred by municipalities fell, losing 5, 6% and establishing at 78.809 billion. The largest expense item is the purchase of goods and services, which accounts for 37% of the total, followed by employee income (17.7%) and investments (12.6%). The degree of autonomy of municipalities is 62.8%, slightly lower than in 2015 (-0.5 percentage points). On the other hand, collection capacity increased by 2.1 percentage points (73.8%). The degree of dependence on central government, the statistical institute continues, is equal to 5.3%, while the degree of dependence on local governments is 9.9%. The municipalities of Molise are those which depend the most on the central administrations (13,2%), the municipalities of Friuli Venezia Giulia municipalities (44,2%). Current expenditure incurred by municipalities amounts to 54.2 billion euros, corresponding to a per capita amount of 895 euros, covered at 61.363 billion euros in current income (1,013 euros per year). capita). In the municipalities of Valle d'Aosta, the highest per capita expenditure is recorded (1,927 euros), while in Apulia they are the lowest (694 euros). In 2016, the total amount of revenue recognized by the provincial and metropolitan governments amounted to 9,537 million euros (-3.7% compared to the previous year). The total expenditures incurred by the provincial and metropolitan governments for the year 2016 amounted to 10.115 billion (-1.6% over 2015), almost entirely covered by 9.537 billion in revenue. Current expenditure accounts for 77.8% of the total. 30% of current expenditures of provincial and metropolitan governments are for the purchase of goods and services. Employees' income rises to 17.3% and their incidence compared to current income is 16.9%. Per capita spending by provincial and metropolitan governments is highest in the provinces of Basilicata (270 euros) and the lowest in Sicily (97 euros).

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