"In 48 hours, we report migrants in Italy"


Germany and Austria land the migrants. And they do it after a meeting that, for the moment, will not lead to the closure of the Brenner border. But this – words of Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache – "nothing can be excluded". Current conditions do not require tighter controls, but in the future who knows …

Definitely today the triple meeting between the German Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer (CSU), and the three Austrian representatives (Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, Interior Minister Herbert Kickl and Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strach) seem to be moving away from Vienna and Rome . Yes, because if Seehofer tells his colleagues that he does not want to take care of migrants who have applied for asylum for the first time in Austria, the same goes for Kurz. Who certainly does not want to open the doors to refugees arriving from Italy

"If refugees registered in Italy or in Greece where they have already applied for asylum must be found at the Austro-German border, must be placed in the transit centers and within 48 hours reported in the first country of entry ", no doubt threatened and siShhofer. Also because "Italy and Greece would be responsible for three quarters of the migrants on the German-Austrian border". Translated: no intention not to apply the Dublin Regulation, according to which – in fact – the responsibility of the individual migrant rests with the country of first landing. Of course, Kurz acknowledged that "Italy and Greece are the most affected by the arrivals by sea", Kurz pointed out that "the biggest integration problems are borne by Germany, Switzerland and in particular Austria, as a destination country. "

The clash at the time of the remittances with the Italian government, in Fonfo, had Severe Kurz announced that he wanted to arm the Brenner. "Salvini replied that it would be an advantage for the Belpays, as it is more those of Austria who are trying to land in Italy than vice versa. The same was done by Foreign Minister Moavero, recalling in Vienna that at the last EU Council, the heads of state signed a document recognizing the problem of migration as a problem in Europe. solve at the community level

. his right-wing government of Austria plays the card of the non-integration of immigrants as a valid reason to ask a relative of the entrants. Vice-Chancellor Heinz Christian Strache explained that "according to statistics, many people from other cultures and civilizations do not want to integrate, do not want to speak the language" of the country host and continue to adopt "different behaviors between men and women or forced marriages, but at the same time – he added – they enjoy the benefits of our social system: it is something that we can not accept. "

Is there a solution? Yes, in theory. Or that Germany Austria and Italy form an axis to fight against immigration from Africa. For the moment, however, Kurz and Seehofer intend to conclude agreements with Italy for the rejection of asylum seekers arrested at the Austrian-German border and who have made their first entry to Italy (and Greece). It remains to be seen whether the parties in Rome intend to reach an agreement.

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