in 7 they mount the monument against Trump's immigration policy


NEW YORK – Evacuation of the Statue of Liberty, after seven protesters climbed the monument to protest against the immigration policy adopted by the Trump administration

After the intervention of police, six protesters became arrested, while we remained camped at the feet of the statue, refusing to go down.

The identity of the woman who chose the day of Independence, the most sacred national holiday, for her gesture of protest

The candidate is a black woman wearing a t-shirt with the slogan "Rise and Resist". It is she who has broadcast a banner with the inscription "Abolish Ice", with which she has invited to abolish the Immigration and Custom Enforcement, the federal agency responsible for the. arrest and deportation of illegal immigrants

. The United States is experiencing a situation of extreme tension on the immigration front, after Trump adopted the "zero tolerance" policy that resulted in the separation of entire families and the withdrawal of nearly 2,500 children from the United States. their parents. The national protest for this "zero tolerance" has been mbadive and bipartisan, and the president has decided to give it up, but remains the problem of more than 2,000 children already removed from their families, who have not been together.

that the Ministry of Justice began to present to migrants a document with only one drastic alternative: "you leave with your children, or without children, but you leave". In this way, however, asylum seekers are not offered – as the law requires – the opportunity to be heard by a judge who badesses whether their application is valid or not.

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