In Antarctica, a scientist stabs the colleague "guilty" to unveil the yellow final


He stabbed him in the chest with a knife in the official canteen of Bellingshausen station, on the base of King George Island in Antarctica. And he probably did it after an emotional depression. Although among the motivations of aggression, there would be futile quarrels. Like the revelation of the final of the yellows.

So, on October 9, Sergey Savitsky, 55-year-old scientist, badaulted his colleague Oleg Beloguzov, immediately transported to the nearest hospital in Chile, guilty of "spoiling" and eliminating the taste of surprise at the end of a novel or film. The man, admitted to intensive care, would not be in danger of death. The Interfax agency announced the only case of attempted homicide in Antarctica, a few hours after the incident.

Both, for some time, divided the spaces of the structure. According to what was reconstructed by the investigators, the quarrel would have been only one detail inserted in the context of a larger conflict. Experts have indeed considered that the alienation, perhaps the use of alcohol and the life of isolation could have influenced the human gesture. The station served by the two researchers, located in one of the few temperate regions of Antarctica, was created by the Soviets in 1968. It offered few opportunities for recreation. At their disposal, in fact, only two Russian TV channels, the possibility of doing gymnastics, reading textbooks and a Russian Orthodox Church.

A few weeks after the incident, Savitsky was reportedly under house arrest on suspicion of attempted murder at his home in St. Petersburg pending trial. "Yes I stabbed him, I could not stand it anymore, but I did not want to kill him", according to Savitsky, who" regretted "the episode, is immediately made available to investigators.

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