in Brussels and Helsinki Trump will decide on the future of NATO


Plus sanctioning a "new start", can mark the "beginning of the end". The end of the Atlantic Alliance. It sanctions in fact, even if it is not formalized. Facts that could take place twice and in two different capitals of the Old Continent: first in Brussels, then in Helsinki. In both moments, one of the absolute protagonists will be Donald Trump. At the NATO summit, which opens tomorrow in the Belgian capital, and in the highly anticipated face to face, next Monday in Finland, between the Donald and his Russian counterpart. Vladimir Poutine. The eve of the Brussels summit is marked by growing tension between the American president and the unloved European allies. Trump will ask partners to bring national military spending to 2% of GDP by 2024, which is the deadline promised by NATO members in 2014.

According to the latest statistics from the In NATO, military spending in European and Canadian countries has increased in recent years: from 1.8% in 2015, 3.3% in 2016, to 4.3% in 2017. That being said, there is no need for military spending. military organization has determined that each member country should spend in defending at least 2% of your gross domestic product. Italy spends 1.13% of GDP. The United States more than 3.5%. Three European countries spend less than 1.0%: Spain, Belgium and Luxembourg. Europeans rightly explain that greater security also translates into development aid, for example in Africa. The United States aside, the 2% target – as recently recalled the Secretary General of the Jens Stoltenberg Alliance – has until now been cut than by five countries (Greece, United Kingdom, Estonia, Romania and Poland) to which we should add Year Lithuania and Latvia. Italy and 20 other countries are still far from the target. The Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who has planned a mission to Washington soon, however, invited to take into account, in the bill, how much – and this is not small – our country invests in missions to the # 39; abroad. Military spending, Trump's hobby horse since his election campaign, is undoubtedly the hottest issue at the summit table, also called to give a new perspective to the role of the Alliance. A meeting attended by leaders of other major countries, keeping in mind the sudden shift of the American tycoon in the Canadian G7. so it is foreseeable that there will be joint action to try to avoid a similar scene in Brussels. But according to forecasts the day before, the result of this effort, which will be led mainly by French President Emmanuel Macron and Chancellor Angela Merkel, is far from being granted.

"The United States is spending a lot more in favor of any other member country – wrote on Twitter on Monday Trump – This is not fair, it's not acceptable, even though these countries have increased their contributions, they must do more. " A few days ago, at a political meeting, he said: "I will tell NATO: you will have to start paying bills, the United States will not take care of everything, especially since they are killing us on a commercial level. Twitter and letters: both "explosives". Trump's allegations, as reported in New York Times, are contained in a series of letters sent last month to leaders of some countries, including Angela Merkel. In this latest letter, the US president was very strict with Germany. He accused her of "undermining the security of the Atlantic alliance" and setting a bad example, prompting other allies not to meet their commitments on military spending. "It is increasingly difficult – the chancellor writes to the Chancellor – to justify to the Americans why some countries do not share the weight of NATO security, while US soldiers continue to sacrifice their lives to the United States. 39, or to return home seriously injured ". In his statements, the US president also said that at the Brussels summit could announce a reduction in US involvement in Europe (currently the United States maintains a permanent force of 32 thousand soldiers in Germany, and in In the last few weeks, his secretary of defense, James Mattis, has started a hard underground job to rebadure his counterparts This morning, NATO and the European Union signed a new collaboration agreement, and President Donald Tusk has not missed an opportunity to warn Trump: "The United States has no better European ally and Trump, who has been criticizing the EU for some time almost daily, must remember him tomorrow at the NATO summit but especially when he will meet Russian President Putin in Helsinki. "Two other themes that will characterize the two days of Brussels will be, Iran and relations with the Fed Russia, with the most Russophobic members of the Alliance, including P olonia and the Baltic countries, who will demand greater protection, in the form of investments in security, in an anti-Russian function. This will also be a key step for Italy, with the yellow-green government that will have to "decide how to stay": on the part of the Russians, by virtue of the proximity repeatedly expressed by the vice-first Minister and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini in the pbadage on the cancellation of the sanctions imposed in Moscow after the crisis in Ukraine; or if confirm the "clbadic line", close to US interests. For Angela Merkel, the NATO summit should precisely focus on the threat posed by Russia "The challenges for NATO have changed dramatically in recent years," warns the German Chancellor in a statement released Saturday, pointing out that after the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula and its military activities in eastern Ukraine, it is important to "focus more on the defense of the Alliance ". The risk is that Trump, after the meeting with Putin, could take uncoordinated actions with NATO "Of course, we want to have a responsible relationship with Russia," Merkel said in her statement, adding "This is not the only way to do this. that is why we will continue to have discussions on the NATO-Russia Council ". While budget issues are mostly opposed by the two US-EU blocs, based on the strategic priorities, each group of countries in the same Europe draws water from their plant. . The countries of Eastern Europe (especially the Baltic and Poland), more and more alarmed by the behavior of the Russian neighbor, want to keep their attention on this side. They see the shoring of the southern flank, through the Sea Guardian operation, a distraction from the real potentially hot front, that of the East. In addition, the creation and development of an autonomous European defense strategy, strongly supported by Paris, would lead to the end of American protection, with great concern from the European chancelleries of the European Union. 39; East. This slow process of shifting military priorities thus marks the beginning of the abandonment of the logics of the cold war, the quintessence of organization. While on one side the Baltic countries are somewhat rebadured by reinforcing the four battalions stationed in the region, on the other Brussels focuses more on a purely diplomatic approach with the Russian giant, even the dialogue, as always sought, for example, by the Italian governments. With the hope of Rome to reopen even the burning issue of sanctions. But in Brussels, "only" a fight between the United States and the EU is not promised, but also an East-South geopolitical conflict (Europe). Italy will ask the NATO summit in Brussels for a greater commitment on the southern flank of the Alliance and then to the Mediterranean, and in this way expects a strengthening of the center of Naples. To announce, on the eve of the summit, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Enzo Moavero Milanesi, in communications on the programmatic lines of his dicastery to the joint commissions of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Emigration of the House and Senate. "We will strongly demand at the NATO summit a rebalancing of the Atlantic Alliance's commitment to the southern side of the same: it means the Mediterranean," said the head of Italian diplomacy. "We must have an equal commitment of the Atlantic Alliance to East and South," he added, stressing that NATO is no stranger to the issue of migration. "There are many elements that lead us to believe that in these boats that bring migrants to our continent, there are also return fighters and terrorist threats," notes Moavero Milanesi. "In this context, the strengthening of the so-called NATO platform of Naples for the southern flank command should be confirmed, with the addition of all elements related to the strengthening of the network. information and the badessment of threats and means ", added the head of Italian diplomacy. On this front, they trust the diplomatic sources of HuffPost in Brussels, a strengthening of the NATO partnership with Tunisia and Jordan is under discussion and perhaps the beginning of the cooperation with Libya to consolidate the armed forces of the Mediterranean countries according to anti-terrorism, territorial control and borders

Italy's strong contribution to international missions helps to balance the smallest financial contribution to the military expenditure of the Alliance, emphasizes Moavero Milanesi. The minister added that he had asked Jens Stoltenberg, secretary general of NATO, to count in the 2% of GDP requested by the United States as a contribution of the allies to the expenditures for the year. NATO the national quota that I will spend in the European Union budget for defense credits. On the European front, Moavero explained that he could not see any alternatives "with regard to the active participation of Italy in the process of European integration". I see isolationism and attempts a mere obstacle. "We are trying instead to make proposals, even heterodox," to improve the European mechanism, he added. Also because "we know very well what we leave behind, we know less what we find and also shows what is happening in Britain". The rulers of our house are warned.

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