In France since September, stop using mobile phones at school


PARIS – France definitely says to stop using mobile phones at school. The Senate gave the green light to the provision, an election promise of the president Emmanuel Macron . The new law, in force since September, prohibits the use of cell phones, tablets and other connected devices from kindergarten to high school. Each individual institution may then decide to allow its use for educational purposes on certain occasions and only in limited areas of schools. Individual institutes can create a kind of "deposit" of mobile phones at the school entrance or allow students to keep them in their backpacks. The government will develop a practical manual for students and teachers in the coming weeks to better explain the content of the law.

The law pbaded today is a revolution that will change the habits of French students: 93% of transalpine boys aged 12 and 17 have a cell phone. But it's a half-revolution: the use of smartphones is theoretically already banned in clbad since 2010 following the approval of the Code of Education. However, many schools did not approve the by-laws that had to regulate the shutdown and, in many cases, the ban was bypbaded. Now, use will only be allowed to teachers unless there are different indications. Macron has already intervened in a tense situation on cell phones even on the government front: it is forbidden to take mobile phones to all Cabinet meetings, which must be left on a special shelf at the office. 39, entrance to the Elysee.

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